stand up


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As a Muslim I would like to why we are not standing up against terrorism. I don’t know if anybody watched the Dispatches documentary recently, Undercover Mosque, I am appalled as a Muslim we let these so called preachers (basically they want to take over the world and convert everybody to Islam, they don’t believe in democracy) to get away with using Islam for their own agendas but we get upset over programs like big brother.
We need to get rid of these evil men now.
Who decides who is allowed to teach, preach or speak a Mosque arif? Is there a governing body and are they subject to the congregation, so to speak?

message of true and peaceful Islam - peace

Post #1 (permalink) from arif:
As a Muslim I would like to why we are not standing up against terrorism. I don’t know if anybody watched the Dispatches documentary recently, Undercover Mosque, I am appalled as a Muslim we let these so called preachers (basically they want to take over the world and convert everybody to Islam, they don’t believe in democracy) to get away with using Islam for their own agendas but we get upset over programs like big brother.
We need to get rid of these evil men now.

Who decides who is allowed to teach, preach or speak a Mosque arif? Is there a governing body and are they subject to the congregation, so to speak?

The question is not of standing up, that would create more chaos and would result into just adding one more warring faction, while that is the problem we want to solve.
The thinking and concepts are to be improved for real and lasting solutions, which is a lot more easy and fast.
As long as Muslims believe in Second Coming of Messiah, a blood shedding MessiahMasihIbneMaryamJesusYeshua or coming of a ImamMahdiIssa who would be shedding blood or blood thirsty to convert Non-Muslims to Islam; lasting peace could never be thought of to happen. These are not true concepts of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace and PromisedMessiah is to come to promote peace and peace and peace and peace............and nothing but peace.
This is the message of true and peaceful Islam, nobody could prove otherwise with peaceful, polite, reasonable arguments.
I am an Ahmadi - a peaceful faith in Islam
hello... I'm not a muslim, but obviously have been watching the news coverage and I also ask myself that very same question- why are the decent muslims not doing what I hope decent ppl would do, which is- encounter such stuff, and report them for it? to the police, to the newspapers, so that the information becomes common knowledge, and is then, hopefully stopped, and then I think about all the other things I have been told about Islam, and Muslims, both positive and negative press, and I wonder if people say nothing because it is wrong to "rat" on a "brother"...? is it because muslims really are on a mission to take over the world/convert the whole world? is it because these "preachers of hate" are charasmatic and they operate in closed and less well off communities where ppl are willing to make sacrifices for the promise of a beter life far more than in more well -off places where ppl read the Guardian, and drink lattes? Or is it a deliberate policy to polarise communities and demonise muslims?
i am muslim, i dont stand up against people plotting terror attacks as i dont know any. do people think all muslims know terrorists?a lot of the things the preachers said could be seen as one dimensional and negative, i cant remember too much of what was said, but them preachers do give some very good lectures that i have listened too, an i am one of the most terrorist hating peopel ever, coming from a family taht is not muclim, where i have to proove that is not islam, its political. however i think taht things are said to cause friction between muslim communities, suich as on dispatches, and think muslims need 2 not hate otehr muslims or beleive all they hear as we do have to stay dtrong and united againbst the alleged terror plots and alleged teachings of islam, especially in this difficult time
Zaakir said:
i am one of the most terrorist hating peopel ever, coming from a family taht is not muclim, where i have to proove that is not islam, its political. however i think taht things are said to cause friction between muslim communities

I think you are right, Zaakir. Its political. I haven't read through the whole discussion lately. But this caught my eye.

no, as far as I know ppl dont think all muslims know terrorists- I don't, myself, believe all muslims are terrorists, but I do think that ppl must be aware of what goes on in their own communities and within their own churches/mosques/temples, and if this is so, then I think british muslims need to be more pro-active in ridding themselves of these evil fools who are corrupting their kids...

...I have lived in a multiracial area for best part of my life, and for the most part, have had no trouble from muslims- most of the muslims I meet are decent and quite gentle ppl, but out of every hundred I meet I meet the odd one or two, usually men, who see fit to call me mean names or comment on my figure, etc... (I would like to add that white british and black british are no different, yet they come across as players rather than slayers, if u get my drift...)

regardless, within my community, I know who sells drugs, what type, which families go to church, who's friendly with who, and I find all this out at the bus stop, at the corner shop, by keeping my eyes and ears open, and if this is what I do, then so must everybody else...

mums at the school gates talk to each other, the shop keeper talks to the little old lady, ppl spread rumours and gossip, this is life... and so, if it is real life, then we have to accept that there are terrorists, that there are organisations who yearn for real political power and will do anything to acheive it, we have to accept that naive and sadistic ppl exist, and that they are influenced by the things they read in the papers and the things the iman says, and I feel that British muslims should be a bit more pro-active in rooting these ppl out... and not for my sake, but for their own...

take Abu Hamzar... loads of muslims turned up for his gigs, didnt they? even when he was in jail he was still doing his hate speeches, etc, ppl supported him... the kids in the videos, talking about martyrdom and jihad, they are real human beings, so too those who did the london transport bombings, so too the guys who have been caught on the train with their chapatti flour bombs...
real ppl... influenced by real events, influenced, some might say, by their cultures, and yes, although I am told Islam is a peaceful religion, I am also told the islamic mission is to make the world islamic, and live under sharia law... who knows what to believe?