Hi all.
In my web-browsing I came across a blog by a young Jewish man living in Mogadisho, Somalia. It's very new and only has a few posts to it, but it talks about what life is like in Mogadisho both in general, for minorities, for Avraham, and for the Jewish Community there. It is anything but light reading, some saddening, and much very different from my own reality, but this is perhaps the reason for my sharing.
In my web-browsing I came across a blog by a young Jewish man living in Mogadisho, Somalia. It's very new and only has a few posts to it, but it talks about what life is like in Mogadisho both in general, for minorities, for Avraham, and for the Jewish Community there. It is anything but light reading, some saddening, and much very different from my own reality, but this is perhaps the reason for my sharing.