a spirit-free spirituality? please take part in my project!!!


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London, UK
hi all!

my study:
i'm a Psychology undergraduate and as part of my degree i am conducting a study broadly relating to spirituality for which i need more participants. I am closely supervised by a senior member of staff at the School of Psychology at the University of East London. the study follows the British Psychological Society's Ethical Guidelines for Conducting a Study with Human Participants. (and i have permission to post here)​

how you can help:
by filling a questionnaire (74 items).
all communication will be through private messaging. i do not want names/e-mail addresses; only age, gender, occupation and current religious beliefs.

just send me a private message, and i'll send you the Invitation letter (with all the info about your rights as a participant) and the questionnaire. once you've sent the completed questionnaire, i'll give you a participant nº for you to use if you later decide you want your data to be removed, and the debriefing letter which explains a bit more about this project.


thanks for reading this, and everybody has a great evening! ;)

Done! I wish you well in your studies, bri_bri. :)

Anyone mind a temporary "bump" of this thread? Just to keep it in the mix? :) ;)

I took his test...anything to assist...

Much better than the folks who just come here looking for a canned answer to write down...or cut and paste to look like they did some research...

I appreciate that bri bri took the time to compose the questions...

Like most polls thou, it appears he had an end in mind and designed questions to fit the bill...no fault to you Bri...it is actually how the big boys do it too...
SHE has an end in mind, which has little to do with measuring people in order to change them. the long-term purpose, wil, i will tell you in a private message, and will do the same with my other participants. at the end, i will post it on the forum, & maybe interesting discussions/debates will ensue...?
Hey Everyone--

What I find refreshing about this study is that one is allowed to qualify his or her answers, and these qualifications are taken into account during evaluation. I know this because I asked prior to filling it out....:) LOL--and I asked bri_bri before making this post, just in case that was part of the study or something. :D

spirit-free spirituality: project is over!

Hello, everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that I have stopped collecting data as my deadline is next week. I wish to thank everyone who took part, and i'll post my results right here when I have a bit more time. It worked really well, and that is thanks to all who took the time, made comments, and shared their thoughts, including criticisms. Many thanks! ;) All this will help me develop my project further next year...

I am sure we will meet again on this forum...

Until then, a great weekend to all,

bri_bri :)