There was a time when I contemplated the monastic life, but then I realized I am living on G-d's creation with G-d's creations. My interpretation of what is around me is just that, mine...but you may see it as evil, but G-d meant it for good. I am here on this glorious planet with these wonderful souls to experience love, touch, compassion, joy. To feel, taste, hear, see, smell, experience the wonders of this world. Yes there exists lack...expressed in hate, jealousy, envy, greed, avarice...these to are here for me to learn and grow from on this plane in preparation for the next...
even in the What I contemplated in another thread...or as Silas did, or in this one as Dondi is...even in the what if scenario....there is too much to absorb here to hate it...too much to miss out isn't the end but the journey that counts.
I would just think G-d would be disappointed if we didn't appreciate this place...