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Do you believe that Runes can be used to tell the future? Do you think that they can make magickal spells? I just want some opinions because I have used them for both and I found the outcomes to be extraordinary.

For instance, one time I had wanted to do well in school for a English test. I was not very well prepared and had little time to study so I wanted to test out magick (first time using magick by myself). Little did I know, There was a magickel symbol for doing well on essays...

My spell was assembled by peaces that increased wealth and many other things rather than doing well on tests (because I knew little about runes). However I thought that doing well in school gave one wealth so I went for it. I passed the test with a "B+" (unusable for me... I normally get "C-'s". But that was not the most amazing part about it the weather acted really strange even for Oregon... the clouds where purple for the first half of the day. There was a giant sun rise and sun set. There was a lightning storm (I’ve only seen 4 storms in my life). I saw a rainbow 3 different times in that day as well. I was kid of freaked out. Then that night at work (at the time it was KFC) we made more money then we have in a year (Around $4000. That’s More than Forth of July and other holidays. We usually make $2000). I made two tips(I never get tips). My boss told me that I would be getting a raze soon as well.

(I swear you It HAPPENED! It freaked the poop out of me.

2 weeks later I decided to cast it again just in case it was chance that all of those things happened. It worked again but not nearly as intensely (everything that happened last time accept the raze.)... But it still worked!...

What do you think? Have you done anything with Runes?

I've worked with runes some. I have a favorite set from a Native American craftsman--interesting blend of culture, that--with the runes burned into thin slices of deer antler.

As I see it, runes, like other divinatory tools, use symbols to tap into the human subconscious. In other words, the runes have no power of themselves, but they can serve as a key to unlock the caster's magical potential. Put another way, the only magical power they contain is what we invest them with.

I've used my runes for divination, but hadn't ever thought of using them in spellwork. I often do the same thing, however, with my preferred div-tools, the tarot. Just as you did, I'll use certain cards for their symbolic meaning, laying them out with intent in order to form the base or order for whatever spell I'm working.

As you discovered, this can be a very powerful way to release magic! I'll have to try it sometime with my antler runes. Thanks!
WHKeith said:
As I see it, runes, like other divinatory tools, use symbols to tap into the human subconscious. In other words, the runes have no power of themselves, but they can serve as a key to unlock the caster's magical potential. Put another way, the only magical power they contain is what we invest them with.
I think of all magick like that.
they can serve as a key to unlock the caster's magical potential

Well, that's pretty well said :rolleyes:

I also don't often use runes in spells but I do use a set that I've created myself in divination and it works wonders :cool:
We have a saying in our coven, Pagan-prophet, to the effect that the only magical tool you will ever need is yourself. Sharp-pointies are fun, but I can cast a circle with my finger, or simply in my mind. I see ALL the accoutrements--athames, wands, robes (or skin), altar, candles, ALL of it as handles with which we manipulate our own subconscious mind.