Which books about Islam?


Coexistence insha'Allah
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as salaam aleykum

I shall be visiting the UK soon and want to bring back some books about Islam (nothing fundamental) to continue my studies. Can any brother or sister recommend any books? I would also like a book explaining the science used by our scholars in interpreting the Quran and Sunnah - is there such a book?

Walaykum salaam wr wb sis :)

I would reccomend a seerah book of the Prophet [saw], by Adil Salahi; It's the most comprehensive and detailed book on seerah that I've come across; it even includes a history of the Quraish, from as far back from the time of the Prophet Ibraheem [as]. The book is called 'Muhammad, man and Prophet'.

Out of the hadith books and their commentary; A book translated by Abdussamad Clarke, called 'The Complete forty hadith', by Imam an-Nawawi, is really good, for it includes the original commentary by Imam An-Nawawi of his famous forty ahadiths. [if my memmory is correct] Sheikh Hamza Yusuf said about Imam An-Nawawi's forty hadith, that the Scholars unanimously agree that they are all authentic, so thats another reason why I reccomend this book.

Regarding books on sciences of Ijtihad, I dont happen to know any [the tiny bits and peaces I know about this subject has come from listening to Scholars, and from various websites], but if you ask the owner/assistant of an Islamic book shop, then I'm sure they'll assist you.

Salaam :)
The only books I can recommend are deeply metaphysical, so heavy on the philosophy, but all are recommended by Islamic authorities. All the authors were themselves Sufi scholars, something else to bear in mind. They are:

Martin Lings (a number of books) notably "Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources" (1983), Islamic Texts Society, ISBN 0-04-297042-3
Frithjof Schuon "Understanding Islam" also wrote on the differences between Islam and Christianity.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, a number of books on Islamic subjects

All the above were philosophers of the Sophia Perennis, or Traditional Wisdom. All believed that the various revelations are true, and the difference between doctrines is not so much 'I am right/You are wrong'. as truth viewed from different perpectives, so they wrote extensively on comparative religion, whilst insisting that each is, in itself, true, entire and unique.

Thankyou both for your recommendations, I shall look them all up.

Abdullah, I have asked in many Islamic bookshops here and in alAzhar, for a book on the science of interpretation but they always look at me as though I am asking for a copy of the satanic verses. Have you heard anything about this book on the subject - Ahmad von Denffer's book 'Ulum al-Qur'an?

Can you believe Salman Rushdie is being given a knighthood in the UK- talk about insensative and asking for trouble!!!!
go and stand on the naughty spot Francis :p:D
she does have a point doesn't she?

I mean it really seems to me in order to get a full understanding of ones religion it is handy to know what the detractors say, and what the possible responses are to the detractors.

I suppose that is part of my problem...as a kid if I was told you just gotta believe and you just gotta ignore what they are saying..I thought that a cop out. I wanted to know what they were saying, why they were saying it and did it have any validity...the exercise not only strengthened my belief system but prepared me for my detractors...

ps....I'm up over ten minutes on my whirling now...the other night to a native american chant....

Hi Wil

Language is the difficulty, the country is full of books about Islam but all in arabic. There is a great book shop in Alexandria that do books about Islam, in english, but they are very limited and all adhere to one school. Ordering from the internet is a nightmare, BB recommended a book to me and I ordered it over a month ago but of course it 'got lost in transit' (not the right material and no doubt got sold on or burnt). Egypt may appear to be very open but it isn't. So as i am going to visit my family I thought I would just pick them up, as the police at the airport have no idea what the books are about. Last year I ordered a book called Jihad (with the word Jihad in arabic on the front) by Gilles Kepel, think I paid about £18 for it and Cairo wanted £97 in tax before they would deliver it :eek: needless to say I haven't read that one.

Thanks for the links, I shall check them out but as I say may be difficult and expensive to get them here.
she does have a point doesn't she?

I was joking with Francis - I read it when it was first published ;) you should know me well enough by now Wil, I always try to read every view (may decide it is tosh but always read it).

ps....I'm up over ten minutes on my whirling now...the other night to a native american chant....

Congrats. I am dizzy just thinking about it. Hope it is taking you to a higher place.
In Quranic studies, there are two books that i really like. Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations by Michael Anthony Sells & Coherence in the Qur'an by Mustansir Mir. First one explains poetic rythem of early revelations & their general effect on society . The second one discusses concept of Coherence in Quran. Surahs being divided into seven groups of pairs, & the connection of each surah with the next . The concept originates from Amin Ahsan Islahi's (1904–1997) Tadabbur-e-Quran, which in turn based upon the works of Hamiduddin Farahi (1863-1930).

A very detailed Tafsir by late Grand Mufti of Pakistan, Mufti Shafi Usmani is available here . English Quran Translation & Tafsir/Explanation of The Holy Quran/Qoran/Koran - Online Free e-book Download

For Sirah, I havent seen anything better than Hamza Yusuf's lectures on Martin Lings' book. Detailed & interesting at the same time. Well anything by Hamza Yusuf is always beautiful.

Coming to the domains of Interpretation, I really doubt you are gonna find such books in UK. After all how many people are interested in knowing why this particular scholar gives preference to this particular tradition by this particular person over that tradition by that person . Thats why people look at you like that. Because only people who are doing a Takhussus/Masters in Usul of Tafsir or Hadith read these books .

Beyond that lies the domain of Sufism. I dont know if you are interested or not. Lings, William Chittick , Carl Ernst & Annemarie Schimmel have written nice introductions. Michael Sells has written a very nice introduction by the name Early Islamic Mysticism . He includes lots of "no where to be found" translation of Bayazid, Junaid, Rabia etc. Muraqaba by Shamsuddin Azeemi describes The place of man in God's universe, theory & practice of Sufi meditation. Pir Vilayat Khan (Son of Inayat Khan) has written a few books on "awakening" of heart. Hamza Yusuf's lectures on two books by West African Sufis are also very nice.

Before the advent of "Jack & Jill went up the hill", kids in South Asia used to read Gulistan & Bostan by Saadi, Hadiqatul Haqaiq by Sanai & Masnavi by Rumi .You can find partial or complete translation on these sites

Texts of Islam
Saadi - Boostan
Saadi - Golestan

Anything by Ghazali, specially Ahya ul Ulum ud-Din
Revival of Religous Sciences

Anything by Abdul Qadir Jilani Welcome to the Sheikh Abd al Qadir Jilani Home Page

Ibn Arabi Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi 1165AD - 1240AD and the Ibn 'Arabi Society & Shah waliullah Dehlvi Shah Wali Allah (Qutb al-Din Ahmad al-Rahim) (1703-62) if you are into Metaphysics

Hussain Nasr for philosophy Biography / Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Ahmad von Denffer's book 'Ulum al-Qur'an is available here . I cant comment on the traditions that he uses. And a few mistakes here & there . Not a very good book IMO, although nice for introduction.

Ulum al Qur'an
I'm up over ten minutes on my whirling now

Do you really do that. I was always interested. Does it really take you higher. I was amazed to find it in Five Tibeten rites. And then I read some Yogacharya who said Both Muslims & Buddhists do it wrong. They are gonna destroy their chakras like that :eek:.
Thank you so much farhan, I shall look for these books, they sound exactly what I am looking for. Alos thanks for the links.
as salaam aleykum
I shall be visiting the UK soon and want to bring back some books about Islam (nothing fundamental) to continue my studies. Can any brother or sister recommend any books? I would also like a book explaining the science used by our scholars in interpreting the Quran and Sunnah - is there such a book?

I would suggest you to read following book by accessing the link:
Philosophy of the teachings of IslamThis could also be purchased from the store mentioned in the link.
I am an Ahmadi – a peaceful faith in Islam bridging gaps between faiths/denominations/religions/agnostics
I would suggest you to read following book by accessing the link:
Philosophy of the teachings of IslamThis could also be purchased from the store mentioned in the link.

I am an Ahmadi – a peaceful faith in Islam bridging gaps between faiths/denominations/religions/agnostics

Thank you inhumanity, have bookmarked it for reading later.

erm... sir salman rushdies' satanic verses? lol