Developing Virtue

Bruce Michael

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One thing about about virtues is that you can always find an attendant vice. Our Raymundus - Raymond Lully - knew all about this.

I looked up one definition for virtue and it was "power to produce effects". I note that virtue comes first in Dr. Steiner's Knowledge of the Higher Worlds- reverence, thankfulness, a non-critical attitude. In fact the Brothers have been quite clear- if you are not capable of gratitude you will not learn anything. It is a necessary receipt before anything is passed on.

We can make an exercise out of anything. You could spend your life just developing the virtues - honesty, subliminity, joyfulness etc. - and that would produce marvellous "effects". Benjamin Franklin used to do this. He had a book in which he headed a page with a particular virtue (with a verse as well) and then gave himself marks at the end of the day.

We can make an exercise out of anything. You could spend your life just developing the virtues - honesty, subliminity, joyfulness etc. - and that would produce marvellous "effects". Benjamin Franklin used to do this. He had a book in which he headed a page with a particular virtue (with a verse as well) and then gave himself marks at the end of the day.
Two funny reading about his womanizing and drinking habits, his affinity for story telling and one sided negotiating...must be where Bill Bennett figured he was qualified to author 'The book of virtues'...
Two funny reading about his womanizing and drinking habits, his affinity for story telling and one sided negotiating...must be where Bill Bennett figured he was qualified to author 'The book of virtues'...

Now Wil, those who are full of virtue don't need books and exercises, do they?
I think conservatives explaining what liberals think is as funny as liberals explain what conservatives think...or protestants what catholics or catholics what jews or believers what atheists..etc.

Can we start with how we are defining virtue in this discussion?
I think conservatives explaining what liberals think is as funny as liberals explain what conservatives think...or protestants what catholics or catholics what jews or believers what atheists..etc.

So much for inter-faith efforts.
You can teach virtue and ethics so that they can be described and recognized. A mentor might discipline a student (disciple) as a means of conditioning. However, when it comes down to brass tacks, virtue is found and developed by drawing inward and soul-searching. No one else can do this for you.

I thought this was common knowledge. Am I mistaken about this? :confused:

Do not follow virtue nor sins, just be yourself. The Bible teaches that we will judge ourselves this is literal. We are all connected and all part of this worlds mind this is ourselves. If you silence your mind and look for the true path it will show itself as ourselves, wander from this line you will become themselves. If you become themselves you will never become something again.

no person is all virtuous nor are they all sinful you would just stop becoming anything at all to be either of these minds. To be either of these minds you are no longer ourselves.

ourselves through evolution and rebirth is formed through what I call stacks. If I stack a thousand people together only the most dominant traits remain to move forward, as they say it has to become something here many times to become something here all the time. Of those thousand people how many are virtuous or sinful how many of those traits will move forward?

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