Hey Muslimwoman, can you help me understand this?


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The majority of Christians believe that Mohammad was a false prophet.
This quote shares the belief of the majority, I think.

Unlike the Muslims in the early beginings of Isalm, we [christians] do not need to invade Medina and Mecca and force people to convert by the sword.

So, these are some quick and easy questions.

Did Muhammad actually force people to convert to Islam?

What do you make of the Baha'i belief that Mohammad was one of the two witnesses in revelation, specifically chapter 11?
The majority of Christians believe that Mohammad was a false prophet.
This quote shares the belief of the majority, I think.

Unlike the Muslims in the early beginings of Isalm, we [christians] do not need to invade Medina and Mecca and force people to convert by the sword.

So, these are some quick and easy questions.

Did Muhammad actually force people to convert to Islam?


I'm sorry to involved in your post here,,, your questions was for MW

The prophet Mohammad whom send to all people in this earth was Just messenger,,,he didn't create Islam .

And if your Question is.... did Islam Came to force people to be Muslims By the sword?

I answer you ...read this verse from Quran “Allâh does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allâh loves those who deal with equity”(60:8).

In the above-mentioned verse, when talking about the way Muslims deal with non-Muslims, Allah significantly uses the term ‘Bir’. The same term has been applied in the context of children-parents’ relations. Taking into consideration the fact that, in conformity with the Islamic teachings, the pleasure of parents comes directly after the pleasure of Allah, it becomes self-evident that Islam provides the firmest foundation for coexistence and integration shunning all types of partiality and breaking all barriers of classifications.

Allah said: "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Tâghût and believes in Allâh, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allâh is All-Hearer, All-Knower”(2:256). Throughout the Muslim history it has never been recorded that Islam was posed or people were forced to convert to Islam. In order to safeguard the Islamic call for reasoning and guarantee the freedom of choice Islam takes a further step in this regard. As a part of the Islamic comprehensive scheme of Justice for all, Islam makes it incumbent upon Muslim regimes to maintain the houses of worship under their protection.


Forgive me ,,,i enter your thread
Unlike the Muslims in the early beginings of Isalm,

We cant really compare an apple with an orange, In the early beginings of christianity, there was no christianity.

we [christians] do not need to invade Medina

There was no such thing as invasion of Medina.

and Mecca

Home sweet home....they entered their home without a fight.

force people to convert by the sword.

Didnt happen.Actually what happened was:

The Prophet (sa) spoke to them saying, "There is no god except Allah, He has no partner." Then he called upon them saying, "O people of the Koraysh do not be proud, all people are equal. We are all the children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust." Then he recited a verse from the Koran that reads: "People, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you might know one another. The noblest of you before Allah is the most righteous of you. Allah is the Knower, the Aware." (49:13). After the recitation he addressed the Koraysh saying, "O people of the Koraysh, what do you think I am going to do with you?" There was a silent pause, then someone said, "You will treat us as a kind kinsman or as a merciful brother would." Thereupon the Prophet (sa) quoted the words of Prophet Joseph saying: "I shall ask my Lord to forgive you. He is Forgiving, the Most Merciful." (12:98)

Peace ;)
The majority of Christians believe that Mohammad was a false prophet.
This quote shares the belief of the majority, I think.

Unlike the Muslims in the early beginings of Isalm, we [christians] do not need to invade Medina and Mecca and force people to convert by the sword.

Hi Brownbaptist

Thank you for your questions, always great to have the opportunity to show the other side of the coin.

Regarding the above quote, firstly we have to be honest about the history of Christianity, which spread throughout the world with a trail of blood left behind (think Crusades to name but one issue).

Secondly Medina was not invaded, the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was invited there. At the time the Muslims were being tortured and murdered in Mecca, because of their beliefs. On the night Mohammad left for Medina tribesmen arrived at his home to kill him, so I hardly think they were in a position to invade Medina. So the above quote is rather understating one fact and overstating another (to put it politely).

Did Muhammad actually force people to convert to Islam?

Obviously I was not there as a witness, so can only give you my view from what I have read of the history of Islam and the life of the Prophet.

Firstly I believe that the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has been much maligned by the actions of power hungry Muslims that followed after the death of the Prophet. He himself appears to have been kind to his wives, to children and women, the elderly and sick and to animals and nature. His humanity was evident as recorded in history, as was his natural wisdom. Because of actions of later Muslims the memory of the Prophet has become that of a warlord but remember that he never built himself a palace, became personally rich or arrogant, he remained humble unto his last day. Mass conquering didn't really come about until after the death of the Prophet.

The Prophet believed very strongly that there should be no compulsion in religion. Remember that before he fled to Medina, he himself had been persecuted for religious belief and therefore had first hand knowledge of religious persecution.

So where do we find the answer to the question of forced converts? In 622 Mohammad moved to Medina. The town was made up of Jews, Christians and now Muslims. Mohammad made a treaty between all the people of Medina, a tax (jizya - this is a whole different discussion) was to be paid by Jews and Christians for their protection but they were free to follow their own religions. Now if this was now the home town of the Muslim people for many years does it not seem probable that if Mohammad wanted to force people to convert to Islam he certainly would have done so in Medina?

Another place to look for the answer is in the laws of marriage. A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Jew or Christian but is not allowed to compel her to convert, she is allowed to continue following her faith. This can be seen in the following underlined sentences:

Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq

In 628 C.E. Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) granted a Charter of Privileges to the monks of St. Catherine Monastery in Mt. Sinai. It consisted of several clauses covering all aspects of human rights including such topics as the protection of Christians, freedom of worship and movement, freedom to appoint their own judges and to own and maintain their property, exemption from military service, and the right to protection in war. An English translation of that document is presented below.

* This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them. No compulsion is to be on them.
* Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims’ houses.
* Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.
* No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight.
* The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray. Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants.
No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world).

The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) clearly saw a distinction between conquering a tribe, bringing it under Islamic rule and forcing people to convert to Islam. To be a Muslim means to 'believe' in the faith, not to simply call yourself a Muslim so someone doesn't kill you. This is why Muslims are allowed to lie about not being Muslim if their life is in danger - religion comes from the heart not the mouth and of course the Prophet knew that better than I.

What do you make of the Baha'i belief that Mohammad was one of the two witnesses in revelation, specifically chapter 11?

Having never read it I cannot comment but I would be delighted to read it and comment if you can give me a link.


as salaam aleykum Friend

Please do not apologise, you are welcome to join the thread, I am not the voice of Islam, just one Muslim, with one opinion and you always add something useful to our discussions.

First, I have not even looked into Islam for myself. Second, I need to look into it myself. lol

No problem, just ask away if you want to know anything (not that I am an expert but I am quick reader lol). Karen Armstrong has written an excellent book about the life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) if you ever want to read about him, she has written it very honestly in my opinion (warts and all).

I have a few difficulties with Chapter 11 but shall reserve them until I can look into it further. I certainly wasn't expecting Ali to be in there. Will have a good read tonight and give some thoughts on this subject tomorrow.

The majority of Christians believe that Mohammad was a false prophet.
This quote shares the belief of the majority, I think.

Unlike the Muslims in the early beginings of Isalm, we [christians] do not need to invade Medina and Mecca and force people to convert by the sword.

So, these are some quick and easy questions.

Did Muhammad actually force people to convert to Islam?

What do you make of the Baha'i belief that Mohammad was one of the two witnesses in revelation, specifically chapter 11?

Hi the baptist; hope you dont mind me intruding in this post and offering my two cents :eek:

The only wars fought by the Prophet [saw] and his companions [RA], and the righteous Muslims who followed them, were self-defence wars and wars against opression, that were fought as a last resort.

I'm sure, the general people of the world recognises such wars as being just and neccassary.

In these wars, no non-Muslims were ever forced to convert to Islam, and the verry fact that the Islamic Law [Shariah] has a 'Dihmmi clause', in it, i.e, laws which regulate the peacefull coexistence with non-Muslims living in an Islamic state, which also gaurantees safety of their lives and property, is a testament to the fact that Islam firmly believes in co-exisence with people of other faiths, and not 'forcefull conversions'.

The only thing that was imposed upon the non-Muslims that were fought in wars against opression...were the Just laws in place of the previously existing opressive ones. These laws did not in anyway stipulate that a non-Muslim had to convert to Islam. And such a principle is firmly adhered to by the west, as is obvious from the wests crusade to 'eradicate opression and impose 'freedom' with bullets and bombs' all over the world; we just differ on what is just and what is opression, thats all :); we also differ on war ethics.

Hope that helps

peace. :)

Karen Armstrong has written an excellent book about the life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) if you ever want to read about him, she has written it very honestly in my opinion (warts and all).

Yeah, I picked her book up today. I also picked up the Quran to check her notes.

". . .Because of this new hostility towards the Jewish people, some muslims now quote the passages in the Quran that refer to Muhammad's struggle with three rebellious Jewish tribes to justify their prejudice. By taking these verses out of context, they have distorted both the message of the Quran and the attitude of the Prophet, who himself felt no such hatred of Judaism."
-Karen Armstrong

"Do not argue with the followers of earlier revelation otherwise than in a most kindly manner--unless it be such of them as are bent on evil-doing--and say 'We believe in that which has been bestowed upon you; for our God and your God is one and the same, and it is unto Him that we [all] surrender ourselves."
-Quran 29:46

Now it makes sense.
Re: Interesting

Now it makes sense.

as salaam aleykum Brownbaptist

Alhamdolillah. I just wanted to thank you, from my heart, for taking the time to learn rather than just accept the stereotypes. I like Karen Armstrongs books because she accepts the difference between the religious and political, whereas anti Muslims lump everything in with the religion and Muslims are often blind to the politics that went on.

Islam is a religion of peace, it is just that some Muslims choose to twist that into hatred, this is then taught to others and so it goes on. People need to take time to read and learn, not just accept either sides point of view.

I would be very interested to hear how you get on with your studies and if you have any questions feel free to post them here, we would all be delighted to help you or you are welcome to PM me and if I can't help you I certainly know where to go for the answers.

May I ask which translation of the Quran you got and whether it has commentary at the bottom of the pages? (it would be useful if I could get the same translation in case you have questions). I find the commentary very useful, as it explains what was happening at the time a verse was revealed. Do you know that some of the Quran is directed at the Muslim people of the time of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) rather than for all Muslims throughout time?

By the way I am not in the business of trying to convert people, I have enough problems trying to learn myself. I am just so delighted that you have chosen to learn the truth about Islam for yourself and insh'allah when you speak to other non Muslims you may be able to explain some of the misconceptions.

This is worth a look and makes some very good points about Islam being 'spread by the sword':

YouTube - Is Islam spread by the sword?

Re: Interesting

May I ask which translation of the Quran you got and whether it has commentary at the bottom of the pages? (it would be useful if I could get the same translation in case you have questions). I find the commentary very useful, as it explains what was happening at the time a verse was revealed. Do you know that some of the Quran is directed at the Muslim people of the time of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) rather than for all Muslims throughout time?

It is from Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

From what I understand the Quran was written over a period of 21 years. Karen says that "he would often sweat profusely, even on a cool day, experience a great heaviness. . ."

Also, the Christians and Jews would mock the Arabs who were left out of the divine plan. It seems to me that they worship the same God, especially considering that Muhammad never intended to establish a new religion. It is sad that Christians consider him a false prophet. I heard this speculation in church and on the radio! Even though Muhammad did not have the right theology, he knew that something was not right with his people.
Re: Interesting

It is from Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

Excellent, that is on the net so I can look up any translation disagreements if you ask any questions. Please be aware that translations do vary, as arabic has many meanings for a single word.

From what I understand the Quran was written over a period of 21 years. Karen says that "he would often sweat profusely, even on a cool day, experience a great heaviness. . ."

Yes the Quran was wriiten during the years of the Prophethood, which began when Mohammad was 40. Some verses were revealed at certain relevant times. So take something like drinking alcohol, it was not immediately forbidden. At first it was just that you could not come to prayer drunk. Later it changed to not getting drunk and later still it became prohibited to drink, as anything that can lead to sin in small quantity can lead you into larger sins.

The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was given a very difficult task, it was not just to pass the message but to unite a people that had spent centuries fighting and following all sorts of strange and unacceptable customs. The Prophet didn't just turn up one day and say 'ok here are the new rules'. He established them over many years, giving people the opportunity to come around to the new ideas.

He, through G-d, forbade the killing of baby girls, which was a common practise. He allowed women to have a say in who they would marry and reject a husband they didn't want, women were allowed to speak out about the way the Muslims lived. He limited the number of wives a man could have. He forbade Muslims to kill other Muslims, to steal, to lie, to commit adultery ... the list goes on.

The Prophet also did not write the Quran. This was compiled after the death of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), from verses that had been written on banana leaves, bones and simply recited until remembered. That is why the Quran does not follow an historical order. It was compiled according to length of chapter, with verses put into the chapter they appeared to refer to. Hence chapters about war, chapter about women, chapter about the day of judgement, etc.

About 100 years after the death of the Prophet, the hadiths (narrated sayings and actions of the Prophet) were also compiled. Is it known that some of these are weak (ie not true) and here I have a problem. Many of the 'issues' of Islam come purely from the hadiths. Take issues such as stoning to death for adultery, which is not in the Quran or death for apostacy, also not in the Quran. These come from the hadiths. However, the Quran states that there is no better hadith than the Quran itself, it is the Word of G-d so nothing can abrogate it.

Most Muslims take their faith from the Quran and the hadiths, following the interpretations of scholars (who followed the interpretations of scholars before them). Personally I take every issue back to the Quran, if it doesn't say in the Quran kill people for apostacy then that is my belief and no amount of interpreting narrated sayings is going to change my mind. So please be aware that in our discussions my personal beliefs do not always follow the mainstream accepted version but I shall try to point out where I deviate.

Also, the Christians and Jews would mock the Arabs who were left out of the divine plan.

Yes the Jews and Christians used to taunt the arabs because they had each received Divine revelation but the arabs had not. I imagine it went along the lines of 'you ignorant peasants, you don't even know there is only one G-d. Clearly you are so lowly G-d won't even talk to you'. I think that would get up my nose a little. This issue is often used to say that Mohammad simply got sick of this so 'invented' Islam in order to say 'see G-d gave us a book too' but when you read the Quran it is hard to imagine how anyone could make all of that up (particularly in arabic).

It seems to me that they worship the same God, especially considering that Muhammad never intended to establish a new religion.

The arabs of the time were pagan. They worshipped many gods but one was called al'lah ('al' meaning 'the', therefore 'the god'). He was believed to be the father/leader of the other gods and godesses. So yes in effect the arabs at the time also worshipped the G-d of the Jews and Christians. Their error was to worship the gods that were not real, together with the G-d.

Mohammad had spent many years dealing with trading caravans and business, founding a faith was no doubt the last thing on his mind. I think it came as more of a shock to him, at the age of 40, than anyone else.

It is sad that Christians consider him a false prophet.

I couldn't agree more. I do understand why this has come about but it is very sad. Misinformation, stories of warlords, spread by the sword and some (to them) jumped up little arab suddenly appearing saying you are on the wrong path, stop worshipping a Prophet and return to worshipping only G-d probably didn't go down very well.

If more Christians could get past these images and learn about the real man, the real teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), they would see that he brought a message of peace. Of course the behaviour of many Muslims does not help this issue, all the 'we are right and you are wrong and going to hell' stuff.

Even though Muhammad did not have the right theology, he knew that something was not right with his people.

Well obviously I believe he had the right theology, the return to worshipping G-d alone, to submitting our lives to the will of G-d. But his message was greater than that, as a man, with the help and wisdom of G-d he dealt with many of the wrongs of his society, he gave rights to women 1400 years ago, that is 1300 years before such rights came to women in other parts of the world. It is true that desire and greed for power has distorted that message and in many Muslim countries the message of the Prophet was distorted to oppress women.

This is what I ask people to do, look past the distortions and sins of Muslim people and look for the true message of Islam - it is beautiful and provides a way for a society to live in peace and harmony.

Most Muslims take their faith from the Quran and the hadiths, following the interpretations of scholars (who followed the interpretations of scholars before them). Personally I take every issue back to the Quran, if it doesn't say in the Quran kill people for apostacy then that is my belief and no amount of interpreting narrated sayings is going to change my mind. So please be aware that in our discussions my personal beliefs do not always follow the mainstream accepted version but I shall try to point out where I deviate

Did Muhammad rape women and kill unbelievers? I am asking because "the sword of the prophet" by Serge Trifkovic says he killed and raped women.

and what is the difference between the Koran and the Quran?
Did Muhammad rape women and kill unbelievers? I am asking because "the sword of the prophet" by Serge Trifkovic says he killed and raped women.

I have not read this book so looked up some reviews and wasn't very impressed (it appears he may have an axe to grind):

What qualifies Trifkovic as an "expert" on Islam today? In the Foreword to his book, he himself confesses of his hatred or as he mildly puts it "lack of apriori admiration" for Islam. As one may also recall, during the genocide of Muslims in the Balkans, he tried to defend the case for his murderous Serbian leader - now being tried for crimes against humanity in The Hague. While the whole world saw the savagery of the Serbian Christians against unarmed Muslims in Bosnia, he blamed the victim Muslims by stating that the latter had brought it down upon themselves through "self-inflicted atrocities and stage-managed ‘massacres.’"

However, his claims are often made so lets have a look. Not an easy one to answer as obviously one side says absolutely not and the other says he was a rapist and paedophile. So let us put some historical context to it and then look at what we do actually know from historical texts.

The claims of rape and paedophilia go back to the Prophets marriage to Aisha (pbuh). So how old was Aisha when she married? There are two generally held views, one is that she was 6 (with the marriage consumated at puberty aged 9) and the other that she was 19 or there abouts.

The view of Aisha being 6 comes from hadiths all narrated by one man. Now if this is true does that make the Prophet a paedophile? In 2007 yes it would legally and morally. Although there are many developed countries in 2007 where the age of consent is still as low as 12. What about 1400 years ago? The first recorded age of consent I can find was by the Romans, the age was 12 but sex was allowed with girls down to 7 years (not sure why the difference or the circumstances required). The marriage was consented to by the parents and accepted by the community (which would suggest it was not unusual).

One fact that people always forget to mention is that Aisha had been engaged to be married before her marriage to the Prophet. This engagement was broken off by her fiance (Jubair ibn Mus'ab ibn Ady). This would suggest that marriage at puberty was the norm at the time.

The view and evidence that Aisha was much older (late teens or early 20's) is set out here and does appear to have some logic to it:

What was <i>Ayesha's</i> (ra) Age at the Time of Her Marriage to the Prophet (pbuh)?

If the Prophet was the dirty old paedophile some people make him out to be then he would be attracted to young girls and marry them, rather than older women. Would he wait 3 years until Aisha reached puberty (is that how paedophiles act, I think not). His first wife was 40 and he was 25, she remained his only wife until her death, after 25 years of marriage (making the Prophet 50). He remained alone for 2 years, then married numerous wives. Of his other wives all were over 16 (there is one we do not know the age of) and aged up to their 50's when they married. 75% were also widows. His later marriages, except one, were for political and economic reasons. This all goes completely against this idea of his uncontrollable lust.

So did he rape Aisha? Whether you accept her age as 9 or 19 when the marriage was comsumated there is nothing to suggest this was rape, other than our modern morality.

When considering the private life of the Prophet we have to consider the known facts and draw logical conclusions. I hear Muslims boasting about the sexual energy of the Prophet, how he used to 'visit' all of his wives in one night. He had the sexual strength of 10/20/30 men. Anti Muslims would have him portrayed as a sexual animal that couldn't keep it in his pants and would mate with hundreds of sex slaves, as well as all his wives (phew he must have been exhausted so I wonder how he had the energy for all the slaughtering?). Now I don't know about you but I really don't think that condoms or the pill had been invented then. Yet the Prophet only had children with 2 of his wives (his first wife and then one of his later wives). The likelihood of marrying so many barren women is rather remote. Logical conclusion = he drank tea and played a lot of cards with his wives. Sexual strength goes along with the Arab male pride thing, still prevelent today, which I believe accounts for these rather tall stories.

There is strong evidence that the Prophet used to have rapists stoned to death, so I don't think he himself would ever have committed such a crime.

The other accusation against the Prophet is that he used to rape his female slaves.

The Prophet didn't keep slaves. He would always set slaves free and would even buy them in order to set them free. There is much debate however, for which there is no solid answer, as to the status of Mariya (the Copt). She was given, by the governor of Egypt, to the Prophet as a gift. It is claimed that on her travels she became a Muslim, having heard about Islam from the people travelling with her. She gave birth to the Prophets son, who died age 2. Some scholars believe he married her and others believe she was a concubine. The second debate is about Rayhanah (the Jewess), a captive from a war. It is said that the Prophet offered to marry her but she declined. She remained a Jew and some scholars say the Prophet set her free and married her. On the death of the Prophet he did not own a single slave so the stories of hundreds of sex slaves are just utter nonesense.

Regarding the concubines. We tend to have visions (usually from films) of screaming women in chains being tortured and raped. One of the issues the Prophet was very firm on is that slaves must be fed and dressed in the same manner as their masters. This is another issue where we have to remember that we are talking about 1400 years ago - when was slavery abolished in USA & UK?

"I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today." George Bernard Shaw, THE GENUINE ISLAM

It really boils my blood that a man that can invoke this kind of praise can then be constantly recalled purely as "he was a paedophile and rapist". Would I in 2007 allow a man to marry my 6 year old child and consumate that marriage when she reached puberty - hell NO. Would I have accepted it 1400 years ago, I believe I would have been over the moon that such a man would marry my daughter and I would dress her for her wedding - as that would have been normal at the time, not just in that area but virtually all over the world.

and what is the difference between the Koran and the Quran?

There is no difference. The arabic language uses a different alphabet to us so all words must be transliterated into our alphabet. That simply means listening to the sound of the word and writing down what you hear. The sound of the word Quran in arabic has a glottal stop after the Q sound, it comes from the throat and sounds like a strangled pause (apologies to arab speakers but it is the only way I can describe it). So I personally use Quran as it indicates the sound to me and others use Koran because it gives the 'ka' sound (which I find doesn't express the word correctly as it comes from the mouth not throat).
You need a flask of coffee and a lot of spare time but these video's are definately worth a watch and the commentators are non Muslims from American universities (so no banner to wave)

Islam: Empire of Faith -Part 1
Did Muhammad rape women and kill unbelievers? I am asking because "the sword of the prophet" by Serge Trifkovic says he killed and raped women.

and what is the difference between the Koran and the Quran?

I read in many sites about the marriages of Mohammad(PUH) as example of Children or women rape...

Mohammad call for Chastity,,How he will do that?
and how Muslims accept the Islamic message if the prophet contradict himself?

about the story of Aisha marriage ,,,which many spleeny of Islam repeat

The Marrige of Lady Aisha and Sawda
After three years of his constant struggle when Mohamed was fifty-three years old, a relative called Khawla went to him and pointed out that his house was sadly neglected and that his daughters needed a mother to look after them. Mohamed was aware of that, but he had never thought of re-marriage.

“But who can take the place of Khadija?” he asked in wonder.

“Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr,” she answered.

Abu Bakr was Mohamed's dearest friend, and more than once he had risked his life to save Mohamed's, and more than once he had risked his livelihood and possessions for the sake of Islam. He had dedicated his whole life to the service of Allah and his Messenger. Honor was Abu Bakr's due, Mohamed felt, and to bring him and his tribe closer to him was a service to Islam, but Abu Bakr's daughter was a pretty little girl of seven years old, hardly the person to take care of his daughters.

But she is very young,” he said.

Khawla had a solution for everything. He was to marry at the same time Sawda, the widow of Al-Sakran ibn Amr. She had been the first woman to emigrate to Abyssinia for the sake of her religion and had endured much for the sake of Islam and was then living with her aged father, her husband having died. She was middle-aged, rather plump, with a jolly, kindly disposition, just the right person to take care of growing little girls. So Mohamed gave permission to Khawla to speak to Abu Bakr and to Sawda on the subject.

Both parties accepted, feeling that it was a great honor. Sawda went to live in Mohamed's house and immediately took over the care of his daughters and household, while Aisha became betrothed to him and remained in her father's house playing with her dolls.

Some years later after Mohamed and Abu Bakr emigrated to Medina, Aisha became Mohamed's bride at the request of Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr was a man with broad vision who traveled and studied much, and who had a wide knowledge of the wisdom of the Arabs and was the authority on Arab genealogy. He was very fond of poetry and taught Aisha and her older sister, Asma the best of Arab verse and Arab proverbs.

When she was removed to Mohamed's house, he found in her an apt and avid pupil, quick to learn, with a quick and accurate memory. Very intelligent, she soon became a keen scholar and would sit and argue with others. Whenever she beat someone else in argument, Mohamed used to smile and say,

“She is the daughter of Abu Bakr.”

She became so learned that one of her contemporaries used to say that if the knowledge of Aisha were placed on one side of the scale and that of all other women in the other, Aisha's would win. She used to sit with the women and teach them about the precepts and rituals of Islam which the Messenger had taught her, and long after the Messenger and Abu Bakr passed away she was a source of reference on the practice of Islam and the words of the Messenger as applied to both men and women. It is an example of Divine wisdom that she went to Mohamed's house so young, absorbed so much, and was able to transmit it to another generation intact.

Besides being a scholar, Aisha was a very graceful young woman with comely features. A friendship grew up between her and Sawda when she was removed to Mohamed's house as a little girl and Sawda took care of her with the rest of the household. When Aisha grew up, Sawda passed up her share of the Prophet's time in favor of Aisha and was content to manage his household and be

“the Mother of the Believers.”

Being the daughter of Abu Bakr, who on one occasion had given away all his capital for the sake of religion, and the wife of Mohamed, who kept nothing for himself, she was very generous. One day the Messenger had an offering killed. According to Islam, the giver of an offering is entitled to retain a part, one third, and the rest is to go to the poor. It was, Aisha's job to distribute the meat to the poor. And when she had finished giving to all the poor, she found that she had left nothing for the Messenger's large household except the neck of the animal. Distressed, she went to Mohamed and said,

“I have been able to save nothing but this.”

“That is the only part you have not saved,” said the Messenger smiling. For what goes to Allah is saved indeed.

Aisha had charming ways and the Messenger grew very fond of the young woman who was brought to his house as a little girl and grew up under his care.

One day an elderly lady came to visit them and Mohamed was most attentive to her. After she left, Aisha asked who she was and Mohamed said,

“She used to visit us in the days of Khadija.”

Anything that reminded him of his beloved Khadija was dear to him.

On another occasion he heard the voice of Hala, Khadija's sister, in the courtyard outside and hurried out to meet her. Annoyed, Aisha later said to him.

“Khadija was an old woman, and Allah has given you better than her.”

“By Allah,” he said, “my Lord has not given me better than her. She trusted me when people scorned, she believed in me when people denied, she comforted me with her money when people deprived me, and Allah has given me issue from her to the exception of other women.”

Aisha says, “I learnt to hold my tongue where Khadija was concerned.”

Mohamed was most kind to all people, and gallant as well as kind to women, but he had loyalties that he allowed no one to approach. He never forgot someone who did him a good turn, and Khadija's memory he held very dear.

allah bless all