Baha'is co-sponsor Conference on Climate


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Redlands, California
Ottawa, Ontario, 26 October 2007 (CBNS) — By many accounts, global warming will have the greatest impact on the Arctic. Last summer, for example, scientists announced that the Arctic ice pack retreated further this year than in any year since satellites began tracking the ice sheet.
Group discussion at the International Environment Forum [Photo:]So it was quite timely when the International Environment Forum (IEF) gathered in mid-October to discuss the moral implications of climate change on the Arctic and its inhabitants.
“This is happening in a part of the world whose contribution to global climate change is small,” said John Stone of Carleton University, a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), who learned during the conference that he would share the Nobel Prize with other members of the IPCC this year.
But, added Dr. Stone, those living in the Arctic have “bonds to the earth [that] are extremely close… and [their] coping capacity is strained and community infrastructure and ecosystems becoming more vulnerable.”
Co-sponsored by the Canadian Baha'i International Development Agency and the Bahá’í Office of Governmental Relations on behalf of the Bahá’í Community of Canada, the Forum’s 11th annual conference explored the ethical issues related to climate change from a variety of different angles, discussing everything from the need for a global governance to practical examples of innovative ways in which individuals can contribute.
But an initial focus of the meeting was on how climate change will affect the Arctic.
John Crump, Polar Issues Coordinator of UNEP/GRID-Arendal, said that while the Inuit people have a long history of resilience and adaptation, “the question is how much adaptation is possible and how much adaptation can the world expect.”


Bahá’í Conference on Global Warming Focuses on the Arctic | Canadian Bahá’í News Service
I thought I should emphasize that the source of news item above is from the Canadian Baha'i News Service which is a new one for me..:)

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