"Writings of Baha'u'llah' released:


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Redlands, California
"Writings of Baha'u'llah" has been newly published in it's third expanded edition... was released in 2006 by the Baha'i Publishing Trust of New Delhi, India.

To me the value of this new edition with it's 1291 pages is that it includes just about every text of the Writings of Baha'u'llah translated into English in one volume.... so that means it is more economical and takes up less space on the shelf than if you had all the volumes included in this one book. Not that owning the separate texts is in anyway less important... It's just that you now have Summons of the Lord of Hosts, The Tabernacle of Unity and Gems of Divine Utterance along withe earlier published works of Baha'u'llah like the Kitab-i-Iqan and the Aqdas and the other works in one handy volume!

The index also includes all the indices of the texts in order...book by book. This means you have one convenient place to research in a topical index for all the books..instead of having each index after each text.

It also makes for easy reading with some delightful flower motifs at the end of each work.... The cover is also gold stanped with a crysanthemum flower on the front cover.

I decided to read through this volume cover to cover...reading a little each day. By the end of a few months or so I hope to have read through all the major works of Baha'u'llah translated into English...this will be an excellent deepening. Ask yourself when was the last time you read through the Kitab-i-Iqan?... I did so a long time ago and in the course of time forgot some of the more salient points. SO take this as an opportunity to re-read the Writings.

After I read the Writings of Baha'u'llah I have decided to do the same with the companion volume of the Writings and Utterances of Abdul-Baha.

- Art
I was tempted to buy this, and although financially it does make sense to do so, I decided not to.
The reason I chose not to was because often when im travelling I like to read Bahai books on the train etc, and that book is way too chunky (theres no way I can fit it into my handbag).
I was tempted to buy this, and although financially it does make sense to do so, I decided not to.
The reason I chose not to was because often when im travelling I like to read Bahai books on the train etc, and that book is way too chunky (theres no way I can fit it into my handbag).

Well just think of the interest a mighty tome might stir...just kidding.

Maybe one of the lovely editions available with the beautiful print?

Kitab-i-Iqan, The: The Book of Certitude

- Art:)
I would love to have that tome! I read the Book of Certitude, Gleanings, Tablets, and Summons of the Lord of Hosts all the time. I would loooooooove to have them all in one volume! Where can I order it? Does BDS have it?
Thanks! My friend has an older edition of it. It would be awesome if Baha'i Publishing in the United States would publish it. The older edition doesn't have Summons of the Lord of Hosts or Tabernacle of Unity.. I haven't read Tabernacle of Unity yet.

"Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths." -Baha'u'llah
The current edition just released has all the Writings translated recently into English.. I think if it were published in the US it would be considerrably more expensive.

- Art:)
What I would really like, most of all, is for all these scriptures to be available in bookstores. My mom found a book called "The Challenge of Baha'u'llah" in a little bookstore in Logan, and I ordered three books from that same bookstore... ordered them... I had to ask specifically for the books: The Book of Certitude, Gleanings From the Writings of Baha'u'llah, and the Summons of the Lord of Hosts. But at least I can do that :) Previously, you had to order them in the mail. But now with Baha'i Publishing, there are paperbacks available to general bookstores... this one was called Hastings :)

As you've doubtless discovered, The Challenge of Baha'u'llah is an excellent book that details a bunch of already-fulfilled prophecies made by Baha'u'llah!


Best, :)


Yes, I highly recommend it! The Prisoner and the Kings is also really good. The Challenge of Baha'u'llah is like an expanded version of the Prisoner and the Kings.

I wrote to the Baha'i Distribution Service in the United States asking about the latest edition.... (I just now emailed...) ...because on their web site, bahaibookstore.com it shows an older edition and I want to buy the newest edition... and may have accidentally ordered it from the United Kingdom :)
I wrote to the Baha'i Distribution Service in the United States asking about the latest edition.... (I just now emailed...) ...because on their web site, bahaibookstore.com it shows an older edition and I want to buy the newest edition... and may have accidentally ordered it from the United Kingdom :)

I don't think you'll have anything to worry about ... I ordered mine a month or so ago and got a new edition...

- Art
I don't think you'll have anything to worry about ... I ordered mine a month or so ago and got a new edition...

- Art

Did you order it from bahaibookstore.com? I emailed them about the latest edition, so maybe tomorrow I'll get an email from them saying they have the latest edition... if you got it from them, BDS, then they definitely have it :)