fund raising ideas for mass growth


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United Kingdon, Bucks
Alláh-u-Abhá! Everyone

As a new Bahai i am very keen to have a house of worship in each city of the world and make Baha'u'llah's teachings a way of life for the whole world.
My vision is this
Every town has a house of worship, but it is more than a house of worship,
it is the focal point for the community in which local affairs are managed
and a elected local government(of sorts) sits to aid in all the affairs,
also meetings are held,celebrations are planned, the children go to
school,crops are farmed nearby, all in the local house of worship.

Even though affairs are managed on a local level, each coutry will have a
major house of worship where the central governments sits and this in turn
will report to the world government in the house of worship in Israel.

There will be big emphasis on the community, no longer will people feel
lonley and in need. When a young person reaches adulthood, they will have a
choice to go to struggling parts of the world empire and help them keep on
their feet, no longer will people starve.

Greed and wealth will no longer be the driving force behind humanity, but
the advancement of our species will be our goal. In order for us all to
truly know God.

I see so much more that I cannot put into words

Shoghi Effendi also once said:

"God's purpose is none other than to usher in, in ways He alone can
bring about, and the full significance of which He alone can fathom, the
Great, the Golden Age of a long-divided, a long-afflicted humanity. Its
present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly
dark. Its distant future, however, is radiant, gloriously radiant - so
radiant that no eye can visualize it."
(Shoghi Effendi: The Promised Day is Come, Page: 116)

So how can we all generate this much funds in order for my and your dreams to become reality in my life time? Surely we need more than car boot sales etc but how can we do it?

yours in the wisdom of Baha'u'llah

rybing26 said:
Alláh-u-Abhá! Everyone

i am very keen to have a house of worship in each city of the world and make Baha'u'llah's teachings a way of life for the whole world.
I think you'll find extremely similar sentiments professed in other faiths regarding their own spiritual leaders, not least Christianity and Islam.

However, do note that once you get past the initial "glorious" glittering vision, what you have then is the potential creation of cliques, political corruption, and inter-community conflict.

Other religions have been this way before - beware of the lessons from them. There are ideals, and there are practical realities.
Dear Ryan,

It is so wonderful to see your enthusiasm in regards to the future.

No doubt you are aware that only Baha'i's can contribute to the Baha'i funds, which is necessary in order to make your vision a reality. I know we all dream of the possibility that it can become a reality in our lifetime, but realistically very few of us will live to see that day. I say this not to dampen your enthusiasm, but to help you focus on the tasks at hand. Our job at this point in time is to encourage our communities to contribute on a regular basis. But more importantly our focus is on the 5 year plan. We need to share the message when and where we can, but with wisdom and love. We must strive to act in accordance with the teachings so that our inner characters attract those who are disillusioned and seeking a healing remedy for the ills that afflict society. We must first teach ourselves in order to teach others. And we are told the best way to do this is to participate in the 3 core activites prescribed by the Universal House of Justice, devotional gatherings, study circles and children's classes.

I know you are eager to witness the outcome, but the unfolding plan of God is just that, unfolding. God works on His own time frame, we can only do our part to assist in it's eventual fulfillment. Focus your energies on what will have the greatest impact in the long term. I get the sense that you are on fire with the Love of God, use that fire wisely and it will have tremendous results. My recommendation to you at this time would be to invite friends and family over for a devotional gathering and share some of the wonderful Baha'i prayers and writings with them, the words of Baha'u'llah can touch the hearts in ways our own can never do.

We have the promise of a glorious future, and every day I witness glimmers of progress which will ultimately lead us to our goal. Little by little, day by day.

Another thing you can do, pray fervently for that day you dream of to arrive..." pray with unremitting fervor that He may hasten the approach of the realization of that Wondrous Vision which constitutes the brightest emanation of His Mind and the fairest fruit of the fairest civilization the world has yet seen." Shoghi Effendi, WOB, p 48

Keep that fire burning. One of the greatest things about this faith is the fact that no matter where you go around the planet, the Baha'i's you meet are truly like family. It is such a blessing.

Welcome to the largest family on the planet!


Loving Greetings, Harmony
Greetings, Brian! :)

B>However, do note that once you get past the initial "glorious" glittering vision, what you have then is the potential creation of cliques, political corruption, and inter-community conflict.

B>Other religions have been this way before.

Yes, they have.

But what you overlook is that it's tough to devolve into cliques and political corruption when any involvement is partisan politics whatsoever is explicitly condemned and forbidden! And as to egotism and inter-community conflict, these are tough to pursue when the Baha'i teachings clearly command the opposites of unity, love, harmony, peace, and concord!

This is the more so given that we have a non-political admiinistrative system (laid out in our scriptures) to guarantee this, and that our scriptures explicitly prohibit contentin and conflict! (Differences of opinion are resolved through the Baha'i process of consultation, which is able to take in widely differing opinions and yield unified consensus as its result.)

I fully realize how someone from a background that doesn't resemble this might find all this new, strange, and surprising, but I can assure you that this is indeed working--and working very well!--the world around!

Check it out for yourself and see. :)


Hi Bruce - and apologies for not welcoming you officially, rybing26 - welcom to CR!

My point is merely that there are indeed ideals, and these of course are to be aspired to. But there are always practical realities to be confronted with - not least that people will indeed try and subvert any organised form of belief for thier own purposes and benefit. The history of our species is the testament to this.

Mine is simply a warning to be careful what you wish for. After all, it is not always wise to get what you want, but instead to do only best with what you have. I'm pretty sure Baha'u'llah must have said similar sometime. :)

Not intending to dampen enthusiasm - forearming can be a very good thing. I'm sure that's why Baha'u'llah set up the processes at hand in the first place, to attempt to minimise such opportunism, and prolong the time of virtue in belief.
rybing26 said:
Alláh-u-Abhá! Everyone

As a new Bahai i am very keen to have a house of worship in each city of the world and make Baha'u'llah's teachings a way of life for the whole world.
My vision is this
Every town has a house of worship, but it is more than a house of worship,
it is the focal point for the community in which local affairs are managed
and a elected local government(of sorts) sits to aid in all the affairs,
also meetings are held,celebrations are planned, the children go to
school,crops are farmed nearby, all in the local house of worship.

Even though affairs are managed on a local level, each coutry will have a
major house of worship where the central governments sits and this in turn
will report to the world government in the house of worship in Israel.

There will be big emphasis on the community, no longer will people feel
lonley and in need. When a young person reaches adulthood, they will have a
choice to go to struggling parts of the world empire and help them keep on
their feet, no longer will people starve.

Greed and wealth will no longer be the driving force behind humanity, but
the advancement of our species will be our goal. In order for us all to
truly know God.

I see so much more that I cannot put into words

Shoghi Effendi also once said:

"God's purpose is none other than to usher in, in ways He alone can
bring about, and the full significance of which He alone can fathom, the
Great, the Golden Age of a long-divided, a long-afflicted humanity. Its
present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly
dark. Its distant future, however, is radiant, gloriously radiant - so
radiant that no eye can visualize it."
(Shoghi Effendi: The Promised Day is Come, Page: 116)

So how can we all generate this much funds in order for my and your dreams to become reality in my life time? Surely we need more than car boot sales etc but how can we do it?

yours in the wisdom of Baha'u'llah


As you become deepened in the Writings you will find what Baha'u'llah and Abdul-Baha wrote about the Houses of Worship and understand this more i think... Each House of Worship will someday have a university, a hospice and a hospital connected to them... Each Baha'i community will also have a House of Worship... There is more information on this in a book called the Foundations of World Peace which are a collection of Abdul-Baha's speeches.

Supporting your local Baha'i community is a start and as a Baha'i only you will have the previlege to contribute toward various projects...

Baha'is tend to focus their support internationally and then nationally and finally on the local level through your Local Spiritual Assembly.

The site below will take you on an exciting virtual tour of the architectural design of the new Baha'i House of Worship in Santiago, Chile:

It's awesome and muy hermosa!

- Art