Muslim Network for Baha'i Rights

There are brave Muslims standing up for the religious liberty of their fellow Iranians and Egyptians, etc. In Egypt, only Jews, Christians, and Muslims can have ID cards.... Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Baha'is can't have ID cards in Egypt...
The human rights situation in Iran is in sorry shape, and unfortunately, the Baha'i are all too often the victims of persecution. I'm glad that some Muslims are stepping up to call their government out on the matter. Hearts and minds can be changed, but it will take patience.
Its not going to last forever.
The United Nations are helping the situation
I agree it will take patience and the United Nations :)

"He Who leadeth to true victory is come. By the righteousness of God! He is fully capable of revolutionizing the world through the power of a single Word. Having enjoined upon all men to observe wisdom, He Himself hath adhered to the cord of patience and resignation." -Baha'u'llah
