Really amazed that you spent some time just to find an error, but as I said earlier is some posts, there are several diehard critics of the Qur'an who had spent their entire lives finding errors and proving the Qur'an wrong. This point was also pointed out several times and was clerified by the scholors. I will paste the answer as it was delivered publically.
(Q) Assalamu Alaikum - My name is Ashfaq, and I am a student. My question is, Qur’an in several places has mentioned that… ‘the Heavens and the Earth were created in six days’. But in Surah Fussilat, it says… ‘the Heaven and the Earth was created in eight days’ - Isn’t this a contradiction? In the same Verse also says… ‘that the Earth was created in six days, and then later, on the Heaven in two days’. This is against the Big Bang Theory… ‘that the Heavens and Earth were created simultaneously’.
(Dr. Zakir). Brother has posed a very important question. The Qur'an says… ‘the Heaven and the Earth were created in six days’ and in Surat Fussilat, it says… ‘eight days’. Isn’t there a contradiction - and also contradiction with the Big Bang Theory. I do agree with you brother the Qur’an says in several places that… ‘the Heavens and the Earth were created in six days, in several places’. In Surah Araf, Ch. 7, V. No. 54; in Sura Yunus, Ch. 10, V. No. 3; in Surah Hud, Ch. 11, V. No.7; in Surah Furqan Ch. 25, V. No.59; Surah Sajdah, Ch. 32, V. No. 4; in Surah Hadid, Ch. 57, V. No. 4. In several places, the Qur’an says… ‘the Heavens and the Earth were created in six days’. It is not the earthly days - It is ‘Ayyaam’. ‘Very long periods’ - which Scientists have got no objection. And I also agree with you, that in the Qur’an does speak about… ‘the creation of the Heavens and the Earth’… in Surah Fussilat. The verse you are refering to brother is Verses 9 to12, which says that… ‘Do you not believe in the One who has created the Earth in two days… and do you join equals with Him - Do you join partners with Him, who is the Lord of the worlds’? Verse No. 10 says… ‘He has set on the Earth, mountains standing firm and given due nourishment on the Earth, in four days’. Verse No. 11 says…. ‘Moreover in His design, He comprehended the sky when it was smoke and He said to it and the Earth… ‘come ye together willingly or unwillingly’, and they said ‘we come together in willing obedience’. This, He did in two days. For if you read it just without thinking two plus four plus two is eight days. Qur’an gives the answer in starting of the Verse - that is… says that… ‘all those who will take out this fault, they are equal to those people who will join partners to God’. Means, Allah (SWT) knew that there will be people who will take out fault in the Qur’an, in this verse - they will be the Mushrikhs. And today this verse is commonly used by the Christian missionaries and many others against the Mulsims. If you go around… I have been travelling in the world - this question was posed to me even there - the Christian missionaries they pose this question. Qur’an says… it predicts… that people will ask about this question, and these people will be those who associate partners with God. Let us analyse the first two Verses - that is, Surah Fussilat, Ch. 41, Verse No. 9 to 10 says… that… ‘the Earth was created in two days, and then mountains were set on it, and nourishment was given in due proportion in four days’. So it says two days the Earth was formed mountains were set on it afterwards in four days total comes to six days. Then Verse No. 11, starts with the Arabic word ‘Summa’. Now the Arabic word ‘Summa’, can be translated in three different ways. One is ‘Then’, one is ‘Moreover’, and the other is ‘Simultaneously’. I do know that many translations have translated the Arabic word ‘Summa’, as ‘then’. If you translate ‘Summa’ as ‘then’ - then there is a contradiction. It says… ‘then’ the Heavens were made in two days. That means two plus four, plus two is equal to eight days. But the exact translation should be ‘Summa’ - should be translated as ‘Moreover’ or ‘Simultaneously’. And Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Alhamdullillah in this place has translated ‘Summa’ correctly - as ‘Moreover’. If you translate ‘Summa’, as ‘Moreover’ or ‘Simultaneously’ - it will mean that when the Earth and the Mountains were created in six days, ‘Simultaneously’ the Heavens were created in two days. For example suppose a builder he gives in his brochure… ‘that I have constructed a ten story building along with it’s surrounding and compound wall, in six months. When a person who wants to buy a flat in that building - he goes to the builder and he asks for more details. So the builder says… ‘It took me two months to make the basement of the building ,and another four months to make the ten story. And while I was building the basement and the story, I simultaneously built the compound wall and the surrounding in two months’. It is possible - so then he is not contradicting - Total comes to yet six months. So similarly when Surah Fussilat, Ch. 41, Verse No. 9 to 12, it says that… ‘While the Earth was created along with the mountain in six days simultaneously the Heaven was created in two days’ - There is no contradiction. And similarly if you take ‘then’ - it contradicts with Science, because Earth was created first , ‘then’ were created the Mountains - It is contradicting. Similarly Qur’an speaks in Surah Baqarah, Ch. 2, Verse 29, that… ‘Allah made the Earth , ‘Summa’ the Heaven’. But unfortunately , here Abdullah Yusuf Ali has translated ‘Summa’ wrongly, as ‘then’. In Verse 29, of Surah Baqarah, Ch. 2, he translates ‘Summa’, as ‘then’. Allah created the Earth, and then the Heaven - Then there is a contradiction. Even here ‘Summa’ should be translated as ‘Moreover’ or ‘Simultaneously’. If it is translated ‘Simultaneously’ - then it is not a contradiction, because the Big Bang Theory tells us that, the Earth and Heaven were created simultaneously. No wonder in the Qur’an… the Qur’an says in many places… ‘We created the heavens and the earth’, in the other places it says… ‘We created the earth and the heavens’. Giving evidence to the verse of the Qur’an of Surah Anbiya, Ch. 21, Verse No. 30, which says… (Arabic) … ‘that do not the unbelievers see that the Heavens and the Earth were joined together and We clove them asunder.
I surely hope that you are satisfied. As I said, the errors are due to mistranslations and misquotations. The Qur'an in Arabic is flawless.
P.S. Don't you have anything else to do except critising Islam. Sorry if offended.