I don't think they've proved life forms yet.
When they found their first 'solar system' their first planet they were enthralled, thought it fairly unique, but when they studied the system by
which they found it and applied it across the board they are now finding
new planets in an incredible fury.
Then they have this perfect zone criteria, looking for certain temperatures, rotatations, spins, tilts that indicate something similar to earth and the availability for life to form.
My favorite planets they've found to date are the fuzzy ones. Completely see through all gas. That is one of the main criteria for the development of life in their book right now...a solid surface and an atmosphere, not just one or the other.
The thought is also expanding as to what life might be like. We being carbon based doesn't mean all life must be. Finding life both in the ice of the antarctic, and the heat of voclanic plumes of ocean trenches we are expanding our thoughts regarding temperature as well.
Interesting times.