Zero Point/Casimir ... thought to ponder



This site has quite a bit

Casimir Force

items to ponder

The Casimir Force is an electric force, but its origin is different from that of ordinary electric forces. It is a purely quantum-mechanical effect arising from the zero-point energy of the harmonic oscillators that are the normal modes of the electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field must satisfy certain boundary conditions at the surfaces of our conducting plates, and these boundary conditions rule out some of the modes (oscillators) that would otherwise exist in unbounded space. Since there are fewer oscillators between the plates, there is less zero-point energy in this region. If the plates are brought closer together, this volume of smaller energy density is decreased, while the volume of normal zero-point energy density is increased. Since this results in an overall gain of energy to the universe, a force pressing the plates together is the result.
So this site suggests that a 'force pressing the plate together' is based on the em occilations between plates... the energy in 'hf'

The harmonic oscillator is the first system a student of quantum mechanics analyzes. Its energy is found to vary by increments of hf, where h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the oscillator. In addition, it has a zero- point energy of hf/2, and corresponding fluctuations in its position and momentum, even when it is in its lowest, unexcited state. This energy can never be taken from the oscillator; it is necessary for its existence.

So without 'f' (an em frequency) there would be no momentum.

A photon is a unit excitation of an oscillator, and has energy hf. An actual wave is usually a superposition of many photons. If you have followed the argument, you now realize that every volume of space has an infinite zero-point energy!

Energy itself is an odd and difficult concept. It cannot be regarded as a substance, though most people think of it as one. Energy is not a property of a point, but of a complete system, as beauty is of a painting. Of course, it can be so considered at times, but this is not fundamental. Only differences of energy are significant, not absolute values, as in the case of the simpler concept of entropy. Energy is always differentiated to get forces, and what we call the energy depends on how we intend to do the differentiation.
Zero-point energy adds mystery to an enigma. The fact that it is infinite for the electromagnetic field is uncomfortable, since we are unaccustomed to infinite values as reference levels, but in this case this is valid. When an elctromagnetic wave exists, the energy is infinite plus wave

Em is the energy between mass, not that a point of mass is energy or the cause of the association (momentum).
In conventional quantum physics, the origin of zero-point energy is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that, for a moving particle such as an electron, the more precisely one measures the position, the less exact the best possible measurement of its momentum (mass times velocity), and vice versa. The least possible uncertainty of position times momentum is specified by Planck's constant, h. A parallel uncertainty exists between measurements involving time and energy (and other so-called conjugate variables in quantum mechanics). This minimum uncertainty is not due to any correctable flaws in measurement, but rather reflects an intrinsic quantum fuzziness in the very nature of energy and matter springing from the wave nature of the various quantum fields. This leads to the concept of zero-point energy.

Zero-point energy is the energy that remains when all other energy is removed from a system. This behaviour is demonstrated by, for example, liquid helium. As the temperature is lowered to absolute zero, helium remains a liquid, rather than freezing to a solid, owing to the irremovable zero-point energy of its atomic motions. (Increasing the pressure to 25 atmospheres will cause helium to freeze.)

A harmonic oscillator is a useful conceptual tool in physics. Classically a harmonic oscillator, such as a mass on a spring, can always be brought to rest. However a quantum harmonic oscillator does not permit this. A residual motion will always remain due to the requirements of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, resulting in a zero-point energy, equal to 1/2 hf, where f is the oscillation frequency.

Electromagnetic radiation can be pictured as waves flowing through space at the speed of light. The waves are not waves of anything substantive, but are ripples in a state of a theoretically defined field. However these waves do carry energy (and momentum), and each wave has a specific direction, frequency and polarization state. Each wave represents a ''propagating mode of the electromagnetic field.''
Does this help?

Calphysics Institute: Introduction to Zero-Point Energy

Now what this will definitively share is that it is 'planck's constant' that has this phenomenon left "uncertain.''

And if you ask why? Because the environment is not addressed, meaning not that the energy is zero upon the plates but between them an increased potential is measured becuase of the 'occilating' energy being exchanged between them........ so where is the energy coming from?

The environment, that energy is entangled to its other, hence the 1/2 is the minimum.
How does this effect your reality Bishadi?

I know it as the point where God enters.......

- c -
Well Bish,

Seems I need not wait for sources for my assertions on the other thread as you are perfectly capable of finding them for yourself. But if I do not get a reply by this evening I will go back through my past few days reading and at least give you the names of the authors of the quoted studies. I did take notes but unfortunately failed to take any but the most famous names, a lesson in note taking duly learned.

Quote from Tesla:

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason; it has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic! If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."

What people might not know is that his work was funded and his papers became the property of JP Morgan. To this day that establishment is inextricably linked to every conspiracy theory of the greedy far right organisation(s) that run the military/industrial complex in the US. Today all your tax dollars, (and the many many billions the US has borrowed principally from China), has flowed through that bank, for a fee of course. Hell even Tony Blair is getting his $2million dollar a year kickback for the Iraq deal from them....and so audaciously public too!!

But to try and get back to where I was going...

Do you or do you not agree that the ZPF/E exists (?) and if it does do you not think that (a) The military would be first to develop it. (b) They would do everything possible to keep it exclusively theirs for as long as possible and (c) that would explain the mafia like control over scientific publishing ?

I failed...let me try again....

If the quantum foam is a fact then it represents, as I (maybe naively) conceptualise it, an illustration of what the fabric of a brane may be. It is dimensionally beyond our standard methods of observation but it is real and is the source of all we see in our visible dimensions. An analogy might be that the stuff we can observe are as fibre baubles showing proud on the flat expanse of a cotton bed sheet. What I am interested in at this point is not the fluff but the holes in this sheet. Black Holes.

To date all my focus has been on SMBH type singularities and I have ignored stellar mass objects. Until I happened across this blog site by a Leo Vuyk. Function Follows Form in the Quantum world, with a NEW pairing massless Black Hole .: Higgs-Vacuum Black Hole Lensing and Large scale Caismir propulsion effect on NEW Black Holes in motion.

And to give you a taste of what he is on about this:

Is Mira a black hole and accelerated by a large scale one-sided Casimir ( black hole) effect?
The recent discovered particle- Tail and bow shock of Mira, is very interesting because Mira is ploughing through the resistance of its own particle bow shock of hot gas. (see photo).

It is assumed that the "star" can only be able to plough through its particle bow- for all these years- by an extra force. This could be a so called large scaleCasimir force, as described below.
As a consequence, Mira is not a star but a "NEW PHYSICS" Black Hole equipped with the thin shell of a fermion repelling horizon, forming a real fermion trap.This horizon shell is supposed to originate a large scale Casimir effect, by the push of the "tail" on the fermion repelling horizon.

Here, if this guy is right, we are looking at massless holes in the fabric of the quantum foam. If this is true then it shows, forgive my leap of logic here, that it is possible that our brane is not everything. That it is possible to tear a hole in it or manipulate it in some way to circumvent the limitations it imposes on atomic and subatomic motion. By repelling fermions on the leading edge it would be possible to break the lightspeed barrier. This is not the source of my assertion on the other thread about faster than light motion but is, as far as my brain thinks, talking the same language.

I think, as I have said before recently, we are at the dawn of a new thinking on the nature of reality. You seem like a clever guy so maybe you can help put into context what I am looking at?

Sorry but Leo is not one of my favorite. Read though most of his stuff, a few years back.

He is trying but still observes 'entropy' as single direction accounting the non-local to one of 12 universes if my memory is correct.

Mentions entanglement, casimir etc and even brings in a feild or 'ether' as the background which 'creates' mass upon the field.

Funny part is, the combining of an ether frame (field) and entanglement can't work because then 'time' as well entropy maintain the single direction.

As for Tesla.......... a dedicated contributer and should be given far more honor than what is taught in schools. I often suggest Edison is a nobody in comparison to Nikki.
Funny part is, the combining of an ether frame (field) and entanglement can't work because then 'time' as well entropy maintain the single direction.


Well that may be the case dont you think? We can slow time down, speed it up...but we cant make it go backwards. Or do you have evidence to the contrary?

"collective conscious begets the beginning; but that hasn't happend yet!"

Picture 'yin and yang' and then read that line.