Quite a while back, I came across an MP3 that some posters here may already know, but I admit I only had time to hear it all the way through -- finally! -- today. A fair number here may be familiar with Bart Ehrman? Well, in this interview in this MP3, Ehrman addresses -- among many other things -- the mythicist-versus-historicist question re Jesus at 26:55 - 41:50 and at 46:10 - 53:25:
The immediate occasion of the interview is the publication of Ehrman's book, Misquoting Jesus.
I look forward to posters' responses to this colloquy. Naturally, it would be useful if, among those here addressing these two sections on the MP3, there might be someone here who's actually made a profession of studying all these documents and who can address Ehrman's points in this MP3 as a fellow academic or scholar. Thank you.
I'd also be grateful if someone could tell me, please, if these two recorded sections in particular have also been discussed here in some other thread(s) on this board. Again, thanks.
The immediate occasion of the interview is the publication of Ehrman's book, Misquoting Jesus.
I look forward to posters' responses to this colloquy. Naturally, it would be useful if, among those here addressing these two sections on the MP3, there might be someone here who's actually made a profession of studying all these documents and who can address Ehrman's points in this MP3 as a fellow academic or scholar. Thank you.
I'd also be grateful if someone could tell me, please, if these two recorded sections in particular have also been discussed here in some other thread(s) on this board. Again, thanks.