Ecumenical Service (DC Area)


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a figment of your imagination
September 11, 2008 is world day of prayer. Once a year to open our 24 hours of prayer we hold an Ecumenical Service.

We invite Priests, Monks, Clergy, Practitioners from 12 different religions to speak. This year we've had 8 reply that they will attend.

7 pm September 10, 2008

3501 Moylan Drive
Bowie, MD 20715
(301) 464-5581

Auspicious date some would say. Well we've had the day of prayer for many years but not to long ago we decided to add the Ecumenical service to kick it off. That year was 2001 and that day was 9/11/2001 and we had I believe 9 representatives that first year, and believe it or not each and every one talked about peace and love. Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, Bahai...each and all peace and love, beautiful prayers and sentiments.

This year the calendar has worked its way back to the same day.

Our 24 hours of prayer will close on September 11 at 7 pm with a 45 minute Rumi movie, followed by Sufi Dancing, the Dances of Universal Peace.

Again, any and all who are in the area are welcome.

Our World Day of Prayer is part of our kick off to 11 days of Global Unity an International Event and culminates here on the UN Peace Day September 21st where we will be dedicating a Peace Pole in our meditation garden.

Search the net, find an event near you, or start one!
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Hey Wil. That all looks great.

I remember 25 years ago my home church started an awesome fellowship of people from all walks of life in effort to sqaush the divisions made in religion. It has grown to over 10 million members, 300 organizations and about 40,000 ministers...and it started fromjust 700 people and one man with a vision. Your church is a lot like mine but we have no affiliation that way outside of the worldwide fellowship.