The Quickening


goin' with the flow...
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Dear Friends,

I am aware that within some faith traditions there is a concept known as 'The Quickening'.

It also seems that I have heard reference to similar concepts embodied in other religious belief systems and would just like to find out more about them.

It might be the term "Quickening" was just applied to it recently. Not sure where it stems from.

I'm just looking for another connection between various faith traditions to promote dialog.

Not really a scholarly pursuit, just a personal interest.

Thought this might make for an interesting discussion and learning experience.

Loving Greetings, Harmony
I have to plead complete ignorance here - at this moment in time I can only relate the term to the film "Highlander".
I said:
I have to plead complete ignorance here - at this moment in time I can only relate the term to the film "Highlander".

You too?!!!!!

As I stated I'm not sure if the term quickening may have just been ascribed to it recently. It refers to the bible verse something along the lines of..."many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." i.e. the quickening.

I can look up the actual quote when I get home.

Ring any bells?
I'm not sure about the quote itself - but if I remember right, I was once told that the Kurgan as a concept (not the actual culture) was sourced from an East European folk tradition of a battle of light and darkness, where the Kurgan represented darkness. I also remember being told that the rock band Voivod spent their entire first couple of album releases relating the full tale to music. I've no idea how true any of this is, though.
9Harmony said:
As I stated I'm not sure if the term quickening may have just been ascribed to it recently. It refers to the bible verse something along the lines of..."many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." i.e. the quickening.

Ring any bells?
Leavening in the bread? ...
Iacchus said:
Leavening in the bread? ...
I believe the quickening refers to the speeding up of the world and end time prophecies.
Iacchus, that is not an argument - you are referencing this thread to that and back in a circular manner. Please post your thoughts on discussion topics, rather than simply posting links elsewhere as replies. We've been here before, remember? :)
It seems to me that 9Harmony was only asking for information here, and I was only trying to oblige. If I didn't think it was pertinent I wouldn't have bothered. :)
huh ... thought I had posted to this thread ? Seem to have gone astray.

Harmony, I think quickening is primarily in the old sense of "the quick and the dead" -- the alive and the dead.

And in passages where (at least old translations) Jesus uses the term, He seems to be indicating those who have spiritual life versus the dead who live in a material existence only.

(Where did those other posts go?)
barefootgal9 said:
huh ... thought I had posted to this thread ? Seem to have gone astray.

Harmony, I think quickening is primarily in the old sense of "the quick and the dead" -- the alive and the dead.

And in passages where (at least old translations) Jesus uses the term, He seems to be indicating those who have spiritual life versus the dead who live in a material existence only.

(Where did those other posts go?)

I think you replied in the other forum I posted this in. :)

Dear Harmony

I would need to see the full references, but yes I feel your intuition on the quickening is correct.

Love beyond measure

there can be only one.

one what
one god
one creation
one universe
one bad actor that cant do a scottish accent.