Question on Nature Worship


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frequently self declared neo-pagans describe their belifes as conected to or centered around the worship of nature, as or trough worship of a personification or direct worship of natural/biological systems and/or principles(am i corect in thinking the last one is more rare?)

but what is the understanding of nature that is worshiped, is worshiped the nature of things or is nature always worshiped as a conscious entity?
by this i mean, does worship of nature intale the recognition and worship of a distinct entity/distinct personifications of same, or the recognition and worship of nature as the worship of comperhensive reality/as the worship of existance as such?

i mean is nature usually seen as a distinct system in existance and as such worshiped distinctly, or is the complex rhizome of chaotic systems that are existance recognised and worshiped trough nature?

also would a self declared neo-pagan recognise symilarities in man-made/technogenic or cultural systems and biological systems, and give to these any "religious" value, or is such value given solely to phenomena that can be called natural, in the strictest understanding of the word, meaning that wich is not man-made
Paganism and Neo-paganism are umbrella terms that refer to a large range of diverse religions and philosophies. No matter what philosophical outlook we are talking about, there will be some (but not all) Pagans and Neo-pagans who agree.

Even within a specific Pagan group such as Wiccans there is a lot of diversity. Some Wiccans consider their religion to be nature-centered, while others do not.

Here are some books that can give you an idea of what some Pagans believe with regard to their philosophy of the Divine, including how it might or might not fit in with ideas of nature-worship or nature-reverence.

"Philosophy of Wicca" by Amber Laine Fisher.

"Pagan Visions for a Sustainable Future" edited by Ly de Angeles, Emma Restall Orr, and Thom van Dooren.

"Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion" by Michael York.

"A World Full of Gods" by John Michael Greer.

"The Rebirth of Druidry" by Philip Carr-Gomm. (Some of the essays in this collection are relevant to your questions.)

"Gaia Eros" by Jesse Wolf Hardin. (One ecstatic-mystic-Pagan practitioner's explanation of his own spiritual outlook.)

"Animism" by Graham Harvey. (Discusses animism within traditional and modern Pagan contexts.)

I'm sure there are more books on the topic but those should get you started.

Ben Gruagach