Deism, a badger’s point of view

Back in the 70’s a nice man listened to my ideas and beliefs and told me that I was a Pantheist, and explained to me that believing in everything being a part of God was ….Pantheism. Many years later I discovered that Theism is all about aware, involved, participating God/s, which didn’t actually fit with my ideas at all, because the Whole of everything is far to vast to be aware of me, or this planet, or this sun, or even this entire universe……. I mean, the whole of everything is certainly vast!

That’s when I discovered that Deism is about everything, every force and anything else being part of the Whole, or God, but a God so enormously huge that God is quite unaware of us or even this universe…… I expect that there are countless universes. If you look closely at the back of your hand, maybe focusing upon a finger, you’ll see tiny little hairs; so select out just one for consideration and realise that you have never been aware of that part of you ever, never in your life, nor have you ever cared about it until this time. That’s I think the Whole, God, exists.

It took me all that time to find this out because the dictionaries and scholars and academics have taken Deism and stuffed it in amongst the definitions of Theism……… they’ve put Theism and Deism together.

Theism is about aware, involved God/s.
Deism is about unaware, uninvolved God/s.
That’s not similar at all.  In fact Deism is a kind of anti-Theism….. does not belief in aware God/s, a step towards Atheism, if you like.

But there is a resident Power and Force that rules here on behalf of the Whole, the Deity. It governs everything in this tiny universe, those countless trillions of stars and billions of galaxies…….. Mother Nature. It doesn’t matter who we are, or what we are, we all bow to her. And that’s how I perceive Deism to be a kind of Paganism.

(Discussion in ‘Pagan‘ started by badgerMar 21, 2022)

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