muhammad_isa said:
As you say, all Christians consider themselves monotheist
They were replying to Thomas and he to them.
So I moved over here. For many if not most Christians they would say I am not.
My issues are many, but to start I believe the Bible has some issues from the selection of what 66 books were kept as canon vs what was tossed. Then there is the authorship, translation, editing and interpretation, I am not into arguing which is most accurate or the intricacies and nuance of each jot ot tittle I have issues with, I just enjoy reading and watching the discussions of others who argue so forcibly that they are right and others are wrong and pretty much take it as proof that nobody has a corner on what is truth, and they just continue the same 2000 + year old debates.
For me the words purported to be Jesus’s and much of the allegory, stories, and parables assist me in dealing with current life issues and relationships. The thing is they aren’t always the same, I have changed, grown, evolved in thinking from the last time I read that passage and my current issues differ, therefore my interpretation of any given passage will differ based on my need for that information at this point in time.
But in reality for me it is the story, it matters not if the story ever happened or if it is a true account, but can I learn something from this times remembrance or reading?
I ain’t a monotheistic or a polytheist or theist period. I don’t know if there was a Jesus (or if his purported words or deeds are one person or an amalgam of folk living at the time and mythical stories)
And I also find benefit in Buddha, Lao Tzu, Thay, Gita, and many other gurus, teachers, preachers, scientists, researchers.
I can surely understand how anyone who has one solid belief in one religion or sect of a religion would have issues on an interfaith site.
I also understand why folks have issues with my belief
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