Introspection on the decline of morality.

There were a couple of posts recently about adultery not being criminalized and someone mentioned conservatives or something. It just made me start thinking.

I love older movies because they feel different when watching them and one of my favorites is Yours, Mine and Ours it stars Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball. I just re watched this yesterday. It struck me that this family sat down to dinner and prayed to the Father and ended in Jesus name. When did this stop being acceptable in Hollywood to portray a Christian family and be a wholesome story about family values? I grew up watching Little House on the Prairie with the same story of a family show portraying a Christian family teaching moral lessons and family values.

I personally feel and I know many others that do as well attribute the current violence the troubled youth and corruption to the removal of God from our government and schools. Removing the ten commandments and disallowing prayer in schools has not helped but hurt. The rise of pornography which I blame for the acceptance of things like adultery are harmful to people. They may be a personal choice but it negatively affects the injured spouse and the children. We have single parent families and nasty divorces and children being brought up by the schools and not by the parents. These injured children are the next generations of people to run our governments and raise the next generation of people.

I am the last generation to have experienced both sides of the spectrum and am very worried as I see the rapid decline. It seems to me we aren’t progressing but regressing. I do not see it turning around.

This post was all over the place.

My sons school would not allow the kids gather to have a time of prayer before school even started.

He attended an assembly where he was a minority white male in a predominantly Hispanic population. The Hispanic principal told the students about white privilege and how these students needed to work harder to get as much as white men get automatically. My 15 year old son sitting in this assembly felt guilty and ashamed. I was pissed. My son graduated on the honor roll and *** laude as a white male with mostly Hispanic teachers in a senior class of kids that either didn’t pass requirements or barely qualified for graduation. Is it because he was a white male or because he worked hard? I attribute it to a number of things . He grew up in a two parent household. He had a faith in God that taught him all the moral lessons like hard work and respect for people. He was in Boy Scouts that also taught essential moral lessons about hard work and respect for people.

I am not saying that Christianity is the only faith that teaches hard work and respect for people as any religious observation has been removed from the schools. I am only speaking for my situation.

This is a concerted attack on the family unit and children are the true victims and it’s spiritual from the enemy.

Faithfulservant  May 29, 2023

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