morality within evolution

Kindest Regards!

I have had a question forming for some time now, and I’m not quite sure if I can yet ask it properly. Forgive me if this doesn’t come out right…

What place does morality hold within the context of evolutionary theory?

Perhaps I would do well to explain somewhat. I recently completed Stephen J. Gould’s book “Rocks of Ages” in which he describes what he calls “Non Overlapping Magisteria.” This he describes as the respectful separation of science and religion, implying that the two attempt to answer completely different aspects of a given puzzle. In effect, science cannot address matters of faith, and religion cannot address matters of fact.

Given some posts I have seen from others elsewhere here, sometimes in association with nature oriented religions, I am puzzled. Can morality be the result of natural evolution? Or, as Gould implies, is this a matter of human psycho-social development that cannot be adequately addressed by scientific scholarship? Can nature based religions rightfully claim scientific basis for their moralities? Or should the whole subject of moral development be held aside, restricted to the “magisteria” of religion?

Just some fuel for discussion…

(Discussion in ‘Philosophy‘ started by juantoo3Jul 22, 2004)

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