Sethian Mysticism

Zosimos of Panopolis is an influential alchemist. He cemented the (completely legendary) tie between alchemy and Egyptian metallurgy, likely inspired the myth of the homonculus, and was one of the first Gnostic alchemists to write about his craft.

Of core importance is his “Visions of Zosimos” which has had numerous commentaries written upon it, and can be read here:

I would like to take special note of a specific segment of this text, which I believe to be all important. The excerpt is as follows:

Zosimos said:

I wondered at the boiling water and the men who were burning but remained alive.

And he answered me saying, “The spectacle which you see is at once the entrance and the exit and the process.”

I questioned him further, “What is the nature of the process?”

And he answered saying, “It is the place of the practice called the embalming. Men wishing to obtain virtue enter here and, fleeing the body, become spirits.”

The text several times mentions those who are undergoing an intolerable force. In other words, a force which will kill them. Specific references are made to the 4 elements, 4 phases, and 7 planets, such as another summary of the work further on which explains:

Zosimos said:

And the other said at the same time as the casting out of the lead by all the liquids, “The Work is completed.”

Lead, of course, being a recurring symbol for the physical world, given its association in alchemy with Saturn (even before Zosimos) who rules over death and time.

The rest of the text can elucidate further, but these two fragments are the primary key. They highlight the importance of surrender to God and the letting go of worldly attachments, which Zosimos says in later texts is one singular, continuous process that can be divided into stages.


(Discussion in ‘Esoteric‘ started by Ella S.Jan 11, 2022)

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