The Christian Godhead (Trinity) is What Science Calls the Atom

The Christian Godhead (Trinity) is What Science Calls the Atom

The Christian Godhead, or what some refer to as the Trinity, is often described as something that is very difficult, if not impossible to quantify with precise terminology. This is unfortunate, even ironic, because the Godhead is explained in exact detail in the Bible. Moreover, the concept of the Godhead is so straightforward, even a child could understand it.

So, why do so many folks struggle with defining the Godhead? The answer may have to do with the fact that the meaning of the Godhead is so utterly profound, many, if not most, simply cannot handle the extraordinary Revelation it teaches.

Two verses are all we need to get started.

Hebrews 11:3
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

Because there is much to unpack in the above verse, we will break it into pieces.

The word ‘worlds’ is what we would call our current reality. In other words, it is everything that exists in the Universe.

The word ‘framed’ describes the very foundation of how our reality manifests itself. In other words, the physical matter that we see all around us does not simply ‘exist’, but rather it has an origin. It is created from ‘something’. That something originates from outside of our Space/Time continuum.

Word of God
The ‘something’ that all physical matter manifests from is called the Word of God. The best way to describe what this means is to think of software code that generates graphics on a computer screen. The Word of God generates our 3D reality in a similar manner. Some would describe this process as a ‘Simulation’. Scientists are beginning to theorize that we do in fact live in a type of Simulation. The Bible taught this concept thousands of years ago.

Things Which are Seen
This one is easy. ‘Things which are seen’ is all of the physical matter we can see in our entire Universe.

Were Not Made of Things Which Do Appear
This may be difficult for some to receive. All the matter in the Universe is made from something that is completely invisible to us. It is made by the so called ‘Invisible Man in the Sky’ that the atheists love to make fun of. In short, it is the Word of God ‘software code’ that is generating and manifesting our reality. The reason God is invisible is because God, in his highest form, exists as pure information.

Now that we have studied the first verse, let us now look at the second and final verse that solves the riddle once and for all…

Romans 1:20
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are madeeven his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse”

Again, we will break things down…

Invisible Things of Him
We know what that is now. The ‘Invisible Things of Him’ is the Word of God acting as a software code generating physical matter.

Clearly Seen
How can that which is invisible to us be ‘clearly seen’? You know the answer to that as well.

Understood By the Things That Are Made
Of course. This is all a review of what we learned in Hebrews 11:3. We understand that physical reality is created by the invisible Word of God, again acting as a software code generating our 3D world not unlike the move The Matrix.

This is a special word in the King James Bible. The word ‘even’ is the same as the phrase ‘in other words’. This is Key to understanding the next word.

Finally, we come to the word we have all been waiting for. What Romans 1:20 is ultimately teaching is that the ‘things that are made’ (physical matter) are made of something the Bible calls the Godhead.

Here is how the verse would look with modern translation…

“…being understood by the things that are made, [in other words] his eternal power and Godhead…”

And there you have it. Things that are made = The Godhead = Atoms.

A more accurate way of explaining it is that what the Bible calls the Godhead is what Science calls Atoms. This is fact, not theory. The Bible has laid all of this out for us as succinctly as possible. In fact, the verse ends with ‘they are without excuse’. This should be a very sobering statement to the Student of the Word. God has made it plain, yet very few understand. There is no excuse for not knowing what the Godhead/Trinity is… period.

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