The consequences of our neglect.

Firstly I do not post this to have an argument of faith. I post it so we can all consider our actions against the knowledge that God is Love. All that is not Love, is thus from our own selves and the disintegration of Love is a sign of our neglect of the virtue of Love.

On 11 March 1936, prior to the 2nd world Shoghi Effendi the Guardian of the Baha’i Faith wrote the following to the Bahá’ís of the West.

“The process of disintegration must inexorably continue, and its corrosive influence must penetrate deeper and deeper into the very core of a crumbling age. Much suffering will still be required ere the contending nations, creeds, classes and races of mankind are fused in the crucible of universal affliction, and are forged by the fires of a fierce ordeal into one organic commonwealth, one vast, unified, and harmoniously functioning system, Adversities unimaginably appalling, undreamed of crises and upheavals, war, famine, and pestilence, might well combine to engrave in the soul of an unheeding generation those truths and principles which it has disdained to recognize and follow. A paralysis more painful than any it has yet experienced must creep over and further afflict the fabric of a broken society ere it can be rebuilt and regenerated….

(11 March 1936 to the Bahá’ís of the West, published in The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh: Selected Letters (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1991), pp. 19394) [6]

There are many more passages such as this available. Shoghi Effendi after the 2nd world war also offered that further conflict was inevitable and in the 1950’s wrote this.

“…The violent derangement of the world’s equilibrium; the trembling that will seize the limbs of mankind; the radical transformation of human society; the rolling up of the present-day Order; the fundamental changes affecting the structure of government; the weakening of the pillars of religion; the rise of dictatorships; the spread of tyranny; the fall of monarchies; the decline of ecclesiastical institutions; the increase of anarchy and chaos; the extension and consolidation of the Movement of the Left; the fanning into flame of the smouldering fire of racial strife; the development of infernal engines of war; the burning of cities; the contamination of the atmosphere of the earth, these stand out as the signs and portents that must either herald or accompany the retributive calamity which, as decreed by Him Who is the Judge and Redeemer of mankind, must, sooner or later, afflict a society……”

These are all born out of our inability to Love each human as part of the one Family of humanity.

What else can be offered. Love is the key.

How will humanity find Unity, without the Love that God has given us?


Tony Bristow-Stagg Oct 17, 2023

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