The treasure and shame of organized religion.

When we think of the wars, atrocities, sexual abuse, hemophobia, slavery, segregation and more that organized religions have supported, concealed, carried in their histories…what if the worst is yet to come?

I see all the world’s organized religions in having value, having sparks of inspiration, having a basis, roots which are honorable yet controlled and diluted by man, and greed.

It is like our politicians…they start with a passion a goal of governing, of supporting growth and justice for their constituents…yet once elected the goal is to stay in office…to fundraise for the next election because they need to stay in power to do the good they can do from that place of power…that the end justifies the means.

I see..albeit naively maybe an analogical alignment between the two.

It ain’t that religions have not done tons of charitable work, it ain’t that they haven’t done good, but that the lies and cover-up of obvious issues and hypocrisy…the divisions have created cracks in the foundation. Cracks which need to be exposed, examined fully, and repaired or the foundations will crumble, and the walls tumble…and the baby will be lost with the bathwater.

wil 13/06/2023

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