Why I take the Bible literally

I wanted to address this to explain why I might be intolerant of those that take the bible out of context or pick and choose passages they like and leave out the rest.

I believe with all my heart that it’s God’s direct message to me. Think about how Holy and Sacred that would make it that God spoke and the written Word is the result. To deny that is blasphemy to me but I understand that not everyone believes as I do.. but when Scripture is twisted beyond recognition it would be as if I was giving permission for someone to blaspheme God by not answering back.

Ok as to why I take it literally. Question if you were wrong in interpreting it in a way God did not intend and developed a false teachings and shared that teaching with others.. the bible says their blood is on your hands. If I take it literally then when I face God I can stand on the fact that I took Him at His Word and didn’t put my Self into it.

What this means. Yes the earth was created in six literal days. The earth is approximately 6000 years old. I’m more and more convinced we are not traveling around the sun 67000 mph and we are in an enclosed environment. I believe there is a place of torment Sheol and a Lake of Fire Hell. If I’m wrong then I’ll find out later but by taking it literally I am secure in not fabricating based on mans teaching.

I believe the Bible is complete and doesn’t need further interpretation or messengers with a different message. God’s plan of Salvation is clear and that’s what it’s all about. How He is dealing with Mans rebellion and how He made a way for our redemption. I feel secure in my Salvation and it boggles my mind that someone could possibly try to convince me that it’s wrong and they have a different truth. Funny right?

What a wild ride this is!

Faithfulservant Jul 4, 2023

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