Florida Family Donates Louise Frank Nazi Germany Letters To Holocaust Museum


Posted by: Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Carli Teproff February 7, 2021

Nov. 18, 1939: “…staying here is not an option because no one is staying here.”

Louise Frank’s words grew more frantic as she tried to get out of Germany and into the United States with her sister Jenny Bermann. She communicated with her daughter Matilde Lewis in handwritten letters sent by airmail as it became harder for Jews under the Nazi regime. Frank had chosen to remain in Germany, even though her daughter went to the United States.

Those letters are now part of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s collection, thanks to Frank’s granddaughter, Hilde Breitbart and great-grandson Steven Breitbart.

Steven Breitbart, who became involved with the museum in 2014, said he feels an obligation to keep the stories from the Holocaust alive so that history does not repeat itself.

To that end, the Cooper City man and his wife, Susan, are co-chairing the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s 2021 “What You Do Matters” Southeast Virtual Event, which will underscore why the choices we make matter.

“We have been very passionate about what the museum does about preserving the evidence of the Holocaust and education of the public in general,” he said. “The event is to raise awareness of the museum and the mission they have of eliminating hate in the world.”

This year’s annual museum fundraiser — which was moved online because of the pandemic — will feature Morgan Freeman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jason Alexander and Ray Allen. It will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 11.

The museum, located in Washington, D.C. ,is a living memorial to the Holocaust, with educational programs that confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

“Participants will see firsthand how the Museum has adjusted to these extraordinary times by bringing Holocaust education and awareness to audiences virtually, and how the critical lessons of the Holocaust — lessons about the fragility of freedom, the nature of hate and the consequences of indifference — remain vital,” Robert Tanen, the Museum’s Southeast regional director, said in a statement …

(story continues) https://www.yahoo.com/news/hidden-letters-reveal-desperation-now-120000051.html



Request to Distribute Religious Scientific Books to Enhance Faith in God, World Peace and Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation

Copy of email from

Hodieb Khalifa


Dear Sirs,

Cairo, Egypt: 21.1.2021

I’m a Muslim Scientist, Writer, and International Justice Seeker of Egyptian nationality. I’m the author of three important unique books I wish to distribute through you worldwide since distribution through AMAZON proved to be disappointing and needs dozens of years to accomplish my objectives.

They are religious books with scientific flavor aimed at deepening the belief in God; improving the relations among the adherents of the three Abrahamic religions; end terrorism; secure peace in the Middle East and elsewhere; and above all to attain our Lord God Blessings.

All my life, work and books are devoted to God the Lord of the Worlds. As for myself, I don’t want any material gains in this Worldly Life and these works are entirely dedicated to God from Whom I expect my rewards in the Hereafter.

Accordingly, I intend to distribute these books and my other future works through hundreds of Interfaith Organizations and book distributers worldwide according to the following scheme:

  • The distribution of my books through you will be on non-exclusive basis. There will be hundreds of other distributers worldwide.
  • All proceeds from these books will accrue to you 100%.
  • These books are in English language but you can translate them into other languages. I can help you in that since I fluently speak 7 languages.
  • You can distribute these books in whatever electronic or paper formats you wish anywhere worldwide without restrictions on regions or territories.
  • You can support the distribution of my books by whatever marketing means you like: on your website; through social media; newspapers ads, etc.; however at your own expense.

Brief Description of the Books

1) The Correspondence between the Quran & the Bible (318 Pages- Word & PDF Format – in English – 4 Megabyte):

  • There is much agreement between the Quran and the Bible. Such similarities in events and even in words do not mean that the Quran was translated from the Bible; but rather proves that it was our LORD GOD who revealed both. Accordingly, the Muslims, Christians and Jews have much in common; a fact that must lead to improving their relations with each other and to live in peace and harmony together, and accordingly terror must end.
  • During collection and translation of the Bible in English in 1611, a mistake was made. The translators mentioned that Universe Creation occurred 6000 years ago; instead of writing GOD created the Universe in 6000 years (6 days by GOD’s reckoning). After having discovered that the Universe is billions of years old, this mistake turned billions into atheists. I corrected this mistake in my book, hoping to convert those atheists back into Believers.
  • The history of the Trinity concept was discussed in detail and challenged objectively and reasonably.
  • The truth about the Promised Land of Israelis confirmed by quotations from the Quran and the Bible and by historical facts to prove without doubt that the Holy Land belongs to Israel. Accordingly, the enmity between the Palestinians (the descendants of Esau) and the Israelis (the descendants of Jacob) which started between the two brothers Esau & Jacob, sons of Isaac, in the womb of their mother Rebecca and continued in their lifetimes and between their sons and grandsons and their descendants for 4000 years must end now on the basis of two-states solution with the Palestinian state established on the Western Bank; and with both capitals of the two states situated in Jerusalem; and with both sides, together with all the Arab countries devoting their efforts for Construction; not Destruction; and with the Jews allowed to pray to GOD on Mount Temple. This status must then continue in existence without any disturbance until the Messiah Jesus Christ Second Coming.

2) The Divine Harmony (392 Pages – Word & PDF Format- in English – 17 Megabyte):

This book addresses GOD’s Universe with words and pictures to help people know GOD better and to increase their Faith in HIM by fusing Religion and science and by connecting the Divine Harmony manifest in GOD’s Universe with Divine Harmony manifest in GOD’s Revelations in the Quran & Bible.

3) GOD’s GLORY (about 1850 slides -Power Point Format – in English – 23 Megabyte):

This Book shows some of GOD’s Glory and Greatness evident in ourselves and in all His Creatures from the Atom, which we will never be able to decode its secrets, to the Galaxies racing with almost light speeds towards the First Heaven and to their Creator (Hubble Law interpretation).

This book encompasses the first two books and blend God’s Written Books & God’s Visible Book and aims at deepening and reinforcing people’s belief in God and His Greatness and Divine Aspects to help them lead a better life Herein and to abide in the Paradise in the Hereafter; away from Hell. God benefits nothing from the belief of the Believers and isn’t hurt by the ingrate of the disbelievers. It is we that benefit.

The scientific discoveries of the last two centuries diverted many people away from the Path of God; whereas the contrary should have been the case. Specifically, the discovery of the Biological Evolution and the Stellar Evolution made many people negate Creation and God. No one had succeeded in conciliating Creation and Evolution or Religion and science. This book attempts to do so by affirming that there was first Creation followed by Evolution which is still in action and will remain till the Day of Judgment. The rationale was based on astrophysics and DNA.


This poster shows God’s Greatness in a glance. It is also to be distributed with the above three books.


The Correspondence between the Quran & the Bible


To be sent upon your request:

The Divine Harmony & GOD’s GLORY



Hodieb Khalifa




New Interfaith Relationships Study Invites Participants


My name is Jaclyn Doherty, and I am a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Center in New York City (http://www.cunybasp.org/). My research focuses on the social psychology of interfaith relationships, and I am looking to launch a study that explores factors involved in relationship satisfaction among interfaith romantic dating couples. I expect that the study will consist of a quick (anonymous) set of questionnaires (about 10-20 minutes) that can be completed entirely online by each partner in the relationship. Participants would be entered in a chance to win $50 gift certificates in exchange for their time. I came across your website when I was thinking of ways to find participants for this study.

After reviewing your forum policies, I’m not sure whether it would be appropriate to post this information there. I want to make sure that I completely respect the spirit of the forum. My main question: would your forum be an appropriate place to let people know about this study and how they can get involved? If not, can you think of any other ways to reach romantic couples in interfaith relationships who may be interested in contributing to this research?

If anybody is in an interfaith dating relationship (loosely defined as a romantic dating relationship between two people of different religions/faiths) and would be interested in participating, please let me know – either via the Interfaith Relationships Study thread in the Comparative Studies forum: https://www.interfaith.org/community/threads/19590/

or email at jdoherty@gradcenter.cuny.edu

Due to the confines of the research design, I’m anticipating that each partner will have to identify with a religion for this study. However, I’m planning to run studies in the future that involve religious/non-religious pairings, so it would be nice to gauge interest for those types as well.

Feel free to share this message with others who would be eligible, and let me know if you have any other ideas about where I could find these interfaith couples.

Thank you!

Jaclyn Doherty
Ph.D. Student, Basic and Applied Social Psychology
The Graduate Center, CUNY