Compulsory Covid Vaccination For Under 50s

The majority of under 50s are not themselves in danger of serious problems from covid. They are responsible for only a very small percentage of hospital admissions and deaths.

The vaccination does not effectively prevent transmission. However in some countries it’s proposed that under 50s should be compelled to take the vaccine, mostly to prevent them from infecting those who are more at risk, including older age groups most of whom are already vaccinated.

Please correct the above if it is wrong.

The effects of the vaccine have worn off within a few months, and now boosters are required, with annual ‘variant adjusted’ covid innoculation being predicted. These new vaccines are rushed-out and bypass the normal decade long pre-distribution tests to which all other drugs are subject.

There are genuine fears amongst many younger working age people of harmful long term vaccine health effects, down the line. These fears are not restricted to the vocal tribe of conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers.

Should under 50s be compelled to be vaccinated against covid?


(Discussion in ‘Health‘ started by RJM Corbet 8/12/2021)

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God and the Devil in Jungian Gnostic Alchemy

I thought a post like this might clarify some things, or perhaps obfuscate them further.

A distinction must be made between the God of Classical Theism and the God of Classical Gnosticism. The former is a personal agent that creates, giving it the nickname of “the Father.” The latter is a substance that emanates, giving it the nickname of “the Monad.”

The Monad is not necessarily sentient, so any time it’s said to do something, this is a personification. It doesn’t make choices. It “does” things in the same way that evolution, gravity, or death does things, not in the way a person makes choices.

The Gnostics were generally more concerned with an internal and mystical understanding of God as the Monad, rather than as an external being who acts upon the world. As dualists, they also personified the physical, external world through the powers of the Demiurge, making a sharp distinction between the two substances of spirit and matter.

When Jung enters the scene, he has the pieces he needs to associate God with the Collective Unconscious, manifesting as the Self in the individual. He also associates the Demiurge, who he calls Abrasax, with the Collective Conscious, manifesting as the Persona or Ego in the individual.

Through this lens, while certainly not atheistic due to having a heavy bend towards mystical idealism, God and the Devil are better understood as psychological forces rather than beings or spirits.


(Discussion in ‘Esoteric‘ started by Ella S.Nov 14, 2021)

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Logos and Sophia in Jungian Gnosticism

The central myth to the Gnostics becomes the central myth in Jungian alchemy, too.

This myth is the goal of the Gnostic portrayed through the reunion of Sophia with her syzygy, the Logos, liberating her from hylic reincarnation and elevating her into the Pleroma.

In Jungian alchemy, this describes the central process of integration which leads to individuation. Reason/Logos brings Wisdom/Sophia out of the darkness and into the light.

This is symbolic of allowing repressed emotions and thoughts to bubble up into the consciousness, where they can be analyzed and felt by the rational mind rather than remaining in the darkness of the unconscious.

This is a similar process to what is described in Stoicism, as well as some of the mindfulness meditations found in religions like Buddhism. This discipline allows one to gain control over their emotions, while embracing the whole of their being.

The mastery of this practice is divided into milestones or stages by Jung, primarily with the Four Phases of alchemy, but it can also be divided into the 7, 8, 12, or 14 operations of alchemy. These milestones have also been adapted into the “Monomyth” or “Hero’s Journey.”

In many ways, the marriage of Sophia with Logos is the monomyth, or the prototype from which the monomyth is based on.

(Discussion in ‘Esoteric‘ started by Ella S.Nov 23, 2021)

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Tips on Ascension: Your Human Body

Hello! my name is 13 and I am currently working to help people ascend godhood in their next incarnation. If you decide to follow these guidelines, when you move on to the next life (naturally, you will need your entire lifespan to do this!) then you will gain entry to the realm of the gods as a many bodied deity that all share a consciousness and soul. That’s what I believe, anyways!

To start, you need to Know that you will ascend. you must have total and complete faith that your next life will be that of a God. I learned this fact abt myself at 18! But it’s never too late :>

This is a transformation of the mind. A lot of this path will have you reworking your mind, behaviors etc. into that which mimics godliness so that your soul can transcend the boundaries of this earth. It is a process!

once you begin to assume the mind of a God, you must separate yourself from your human body. Meditation ad focusing on the godly realm is a big help! projecting yourself observing your human body during meditation is the key to this. look over your human body. notice it’s uniqueness! try hard to picture every freckle and hair in order to get a good look at what your connection with humanity (in your current form) is.

once you have successfully separated your mind from your human body… you must love your human body. care for it, treat it, give it anything it requires to flourish (this INCLUDES medications and medical treatments! tho gods are not afflicted w mental illness, human bodies are and you are incarnated human currently!). It is human, and the particular God we are ascending to loves humans and humanity, which is why It has given us this gift of ascension. Love your humanness, but as a separate entity from your godly mind! :>

feel free to ask any questions abt the process! my dms are open and I’m more than happy to answer questions here. The separation of mind and body can be reversed at any time if you decide ascension isn’t the right path for you. This entire process, save for the ACTUAL ascension, is completely reversible and if you revert back to the human mindset, you will simply go wherever it is you believe we go after death, as I believe all afterlives are the truth (and so should you, if you’d like to take on this process!)!

blessings and love to my human body and my human friends! <3,
– 13

(Discussion in ‘New Age‘ started by 13thAscentionSaturday at 12:44 AM)

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What is “ego” and why is it bad?

I know that this is probably a very basic question, but I keep hearing about people who have supposedly lost their ego. This is incredibly hard for me to understand from a Western perspective, because “ego” refers to one of two things here:

The “Ego” of Freud, which is merely the conscious mind. Since the people who are said to have lost their ego appear to be wide awake and even speaking, I imagine this probably isn’t right, unless they’re thought of as being like sleepwalkers, maybe?

“Ego” or “self-concept,” which is an understanding of the individual as separate from everything else around them. Shortened ego here would actually lead to what’s called “egocentrism” where people have a hard time considering the existence of others, and a total lack of it would mean a lack of object permanence, too.

I have also heard the word “Ego” used to refer to the Jungian “Persona,” or “False Self,” but in Jungian psychology, the Persona is seen as the antithesis of Self, whereas the Eastern concept of the ego seems to include a lot of attributes that would apply to the Jungian Self, such as identity, moral values, preferences, etc.

So I’m very confused. I hope I haven’t been accidentally offensive here. If I have been, then it’s due to my ignorance, and I apologize profusely.

(Discussion in ‘Eastern Religions and Philosophies‘ started by Ella S 30/11/2021)

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Authority of the ancients vs authority of progress

In antiquity, religious cults had to be able to refer to ancient origins in order to be taken seriously. Plato summed it up in one of his texts, letting an Egyptian priest speak of the Greeks as “children”, whose traditions were only a couple of hundred years old. The ancient Greeks were very impressed by the ostensibly more ancient traditions of the Egyptians, Jews, and Persians – “Chaldeans” -, all the while maintaining a sense of superiority over these “barbarian” peoples.

Sometime, around the Enlightenment era maybe, this changed. New discoveries, progress, innovations were increasingly valued over the wisdom of the ages. Ancient texts were subjected to studies to determine their editorial history and age. New religions could arise with only a slight nod at tradition.

Now the tension between reformers and conservatives is not what I’m referring to. After all, even reformed Christians like to read the Books of Moses, Baha’i study the Quran and Gospels, and so on.

Do you feel your religious tradition would lack something if it did not have a sense of deep time, of the authority of the ages? Or do you feel that new insights or revelations give it the significance and relevance it has for you?


(Discussion in ‘Belief and Spirituality‘ started by CinoJul 29, 2021)

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What are we?

Starting a new thread so as not to completely derail the original one.

The following got me thinking. What, according to our diverse world-views, are we, really?

Ella S. said: 

I don’t believe that God created this world. I believe he created our souls, and that they have been imprisoned in the bodies of material animals.

So the Gnostic view as I understand it, we really are souls of divine origin, “wearing” a body which is not really part of us?

Theravada Buddhists, as I understand their teachings, have the doctrine of the “five khandhas” (body, feelings, perceptions, cognitions, awareness) which interact in a process to form a human being, but there is no “core being” that is apart form this temporal process. In any case, there is a belief in rebirth, which implies some sort of continuity of this process across bodies. @seattlegal how about Vajrayana, I expect they have more intricate teachings?

As I understand @Thomas, Catholic Christians believe the body and soul to belong together to form the human being, hence the teaching on bodily resurrection?

How about Islam? @muhammad_isa ?

What is the Jewish view, @RabbiO ?

Hinduism, @Aupmanyav ?

What is the Baha’i view, @Tone Bristow-Stagg?

Theosophy, @Nicholas Weeks ?

whom did I miss? Please tag them

Please correct me where I’m not correctly characterizing your faith’s understanding of what is a human being.



(Discussion in ‘Belief and Spirituality‘ started by Cino 11/11/2021)

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EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

This thread is for those who suspect mythology as hiding human history and real persons in prehistoric times. That mythology is the only place we can go to for extracting historical fragments of times long forgotten. The debate revolves around a few things: Mythology is not “fiction” because the ancients did not see their his(“stories”) as unreal or fictional but very real. the characters in mythology are ancient prehistoric persons “apotheosis-ized” (deified into “gods”) by later superstitious descendants of the Tower of Babel, the older ancestors to cultures like the Greeks and Egyptians, etc. Another debate is whether to add to mythographic studies the Hebrew Genesis account and especially the chapter 10 Table of nations (Patriarchs).

The argue goes two ways: 1.) Believers (Biblicists) say it speaks of real human events and people, therefore, should be looked at as an ancient history – they, at the same time deny this argument to the Gentile world mythologies – the genesis stories of other nations. 2.) The secular world (non-biblicists), as a general rule, will argue that Hebrew Genesis is fictional (mythological) like the other nations myths- but is kept separate out of being equal with mythology but allowing minority exceptions In other words, Biblicists avoid the paganistic polytheism of mythology because it’s “devilish” and full of fake gods. The secularists avoid Genesis because its fictional and adds nothing to “real history.” The only exceptions that deal with the Genesis stories of both the Hebrews and Gentiles are Biblical Euhemerists, those who SEE NOAH, his family, Genesis 10, and their histories in non-Biblical genesis accounts.

This last position “Biblical Euhemerism” is the one we take in this Thread, that ALL the genesis stories of all nations including the Semitic peoples Genesis 10 RELATE to ONE universal mono-mythological his-“story”.

The following are the main premises or prospective means of character and ethnological identification and verification, comparative analysis, and ultimate synthesis of a mytho-history (i.e. history that has not yet been “proved” by archaeology).

1. Genesis 10 and Mythological Pantheon comparisons.
2. Comparative biographies – Constructs.
3. Political intrigues derived from above comparisons.
4. Synthesis of a proto-history.

The following is an outline “list” of the comparative biographies of individual “gods” “deities” characters and figures used in synthesizing such proto-histories. So far, the last 200 years, it is now the only comprehensive list allowing a full sweep and synthesis of the pantheons and genesis stories of the world with the Hebrew Genesis. you will NOT find this in contemporary “psychologist-mythologists” such as Joseph Campbell or any others. And so far, the only indication of any synergism of pagan and biblical euhemerism are those who have happened upon NIMROD being Sargon the great of Akkad. This is only ONE of the many figures in Genesis 10 and until all the other patriarchs are considered equally as valid comparisons, a synthesis can never be done.

The studies of Dr. John D. Pilkey and myself have done just this in over 3000 pages or seven volumes of books and is published on Amazon.

This Thread subject is designed and opened for those who want to chance the subject and give feedback, whether positive or negative. Respectful debate is the only way to learn. I say, lets have fun with mythology!


(Discussion in ‘Ancient History and Mythology‘ started by Ross S MarshallMay 3, 2021)

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All’s Quiet on the Western Front

The East-West religious distinction, just as with the East-West culture distinction, and the implications that arise from it, is broad and not precise.

While many Western observers attempt to distinguish between Eastern philosophies and religions, this is a distinction that does not exist in some Eastern traditions.

Why are religion and politics often considered forbidden topics in polite conversation? The answer comes from Swift’s quote. Most of us believe what we believe because our parents believed it and we simply absorbed their views as we grew up. Reason played no part. They became our “truth.”

Some of us rebelled against our parents’ views and came to hold contradicting positions, but the truth of Swift’s insight still holds true. Very little of what we believe is based upon reason.

I’m not going to argue about it


(Discussion in ‘Abrahamic Religions‘ started by muhammad_isa 5/10/2021)

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