Recent content by mahud

  1. mahud

    Comparative Mythology

    A book I've read recently entitled 'Comparative Mythology' by Jaan Puhvel is definitely worth reading. Although it only compares Indo-european mythology, rather than all mythologies. It's a difficult read, in palaces, with loads of scholarly etymological stuff, although after dipping into to it...
  2. mahud

    What's meant by the Tower of Babel?

    That reminds me of the African version of the Babel myth, I mentioned a while back. The old woman's (and her children) inability to unite the beginning with the end of the tower. It also reminds me of a saying of Jesus from the Gospel of Thomas Jesus seems to be pointing towards somekind...
  3. mahud

    Favorite Bible Quotes

    The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love (Galatians 5:-6 niv) :)
  4. mahud

    Favorite Bible Quotes

    Hi , Lunamoth :) He's one i read this morning, which i really like, from Ephesians (which is jam-packed full of awesome stuff, hehe) Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offerring and...
  5. mahud

    Iliad/Exodus parallel?

    Thanks for your input, queenofsheba . i agree with you up to a point. They are very distinct historical events. :) I'm still not entirely sure that there isn't some kind of connection there though. Thanks for that, pohaikawahine :) yeah i find mythology very adventurous, hehe. I wont give up...
  6. mahud

    Favorite Bible Quotes

    I'm very drawn to Psalm 145. These are some of my favourite parts :) The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. :) ...The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. The...
  7. mahud

    Iliad/Exodus parallel?

    I see a parallel between the opening chapters of the book of Exodus, and the intro to the Iliad, but I've never really discussed it with anyone before. Is there a connection do you think, or is it just coincidence, that both match up on a number of different points? I can't help but think that...
  8. mahud

    What's meant by the Tower of Babel?

    there is an interesting parallel to be found in African myth. The version that comes to mind concerns an old woman who accidentally strikes the high god on his foot with her pestal, causing him to retreat back into the heavens ,separating the link between heaven and earth forever. The old...
  9. mahud


    "out of the eater something to eat" The philosopher's stone lies beyond the gateway of eternity, and the stone is the key that unlocks this impenetrable door. How can one gain possession of the stone if the mystery can only be wrought by the stone itself? There are two doors, so i'm told...