This stuff isn't my dad's but I came up with this on my own. I just sat down and thought about it. Before you read I would like you all to know that I'm bringing up relations to "free will" in connection to alchemy. Also, I would like everyone to know that I'm not rebelious in any way

*Takes deep breath* Ok here we go...
According to the Bible we have "free will" but the laws of the earth set limitations to that "free will" and God does also say that we need to obey the laws set forth by the kingdom of the earth. So do we really have "free will?"
We have a right to do what we want but there are of coarse consequences to those things (or rewards). If we are afraid of the consequences and chose not to do something because of those consequences then DO we have free will? The government(United States) is (I believe) taking away our free will if they are setting limits. This country(United States) was founded under God (or the religion of christianity). Therefor do we not have the RIGHT of FREE WILL? God has GIVEN us free will.
The definition of a RIGHT is, what I believe, a God given privilage. The rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness(US Declaration of Independence) are all God given rights. Therefor if God has given us the right of free will then shouldn't we be able to do what we want? God gave us a choice in the beginning and still does. True, if we do something wrong then we must be punished, but who says that we can't do what we want on the earth? I'm not being rebelious or anything, but this is a very interesting issue to discuss.
I believe that we DO have free will and that we CAN do what we want. I also believe that the laws (most of them) set forth by the government are reasonable. I also believe that if we do wrong (or sin, so to say) then we SHOULD be punished for it.
This brings me back to the Alchemy issue...
Because we have free will then shouldn't the alchemists choose what their belief should be? Did the Pope have a right to kill them? And didn't the witches, warlocks, and Atheists have the same free will as the alchemists? What is it that makes Man have the right to take away the rights of others?
This issue is definitly worth discussing! What are everyone elses point's of view's on this topic?
God Bless,
*Gasps for air*
Whew! That took a lot out of my brain power!
P.S. To see the original version of this then please visit the Yahoo Group: "Faith-Exploration" You may also view other documents by Faith-Exploration members at the same group.