Recent content by Auster

  1. A

    Find the 3 men

    Oh, I thought the three girls were men in drag...but then reading the posts here I went back and found one face in the tree, and another in the greenery under the windmill, third one is still out there then?
  2. A


    Why not Holland? there you can smoke the stuff everywhere and buy it at the pubs. What rankles me is that here we have to come up with a prescription to get medical Marijuana. How very provincial we still are! Yes I'm talking about the garden, but not paradise this I have and it's in the form...
  3. A


    I'm older than most of you here, I'm sure, yet I've never smoked Marijuana of Sin Semilla, yet I've problems falling asleep on my own and my chiropractor has a heck of time trying to untie some tension spots on my back. What am I tense about? a few things like being in traffic, something...
  4. A

    human and dinosaurs tracks together?

    The Creationist Museum has proof men and dinosaurs walked together...Apparently the reason for their disappearance is due to their size, they didn't fit in Noah's ark. About God creating evolution, then how do we explain it to those, like me, who don't believe in a creator god? There are many...
  5. A

    How do you use this site?

    So what does the green means? I'd like to know how to insert an avatar, I've tried to, gone to the page indicated, chose one, yet no luck.
  6. A

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for your welcome. I can't stand Rooibos, it has a sinister undertaste, I like green tea, but it's got to be the good type, sometimes mixed with fresh mint and a few drops of lemon juice it can get you hooked to the taste.
  7. A

    Hi everyone!

    My forum name isn't my name...what a surprise, it's the Latin name of the western wind. I live in the old west, in a sleepy little town by an old and venerable river. I'm not a member of organized religion and consider myself too lazy to become a Buddhist, though I've been leaning in that...
  8. A


    there are worse and more deadly habits, and let's not forget the 'legal drugs' such as alcohol. CZ you can't live in Paradise and not smoke pot....just a thought.
  9. A

    Be Here Now

    I suffer from quasi insomnia, and sometimes I can't but wonder if that has been determined for me...maybe I need to spend more time in the wakeful state.