Be Here Now

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The following is an excerpt from the Ram Dass' work, Rememeber Be Here Now.
When you have quieted your mind enough and transcended your ego enough you can hear how it really is. SO:
When you are with a candleflame, you are the candleflame. And when you are with another being's mind, you are the other being's mind. When there is a task to do, you are the task. The mindless quality of total involement that comes only when the ego is quiet and there is no attachment, it is only when you reside quietly in your own hridayam that you become HE of total LIGHT, unbearable compassion and infinite power.
See you get far enough in, you can see...... karma. You can see patterns unfolding (of which this life is only part of a part of a mosaic) But in order do that you have to have left the gravitational field of time and space (as a matrix). You cant think in time and space. You cant be in your thoughts anymore. Because your thoughts are still in time and space and you cant get out of time through them. Youve got to be outside that. Youve got to be in the place where you see your own conception, bitch, childhood, adolescence, maturity, age, death (repeating). And not only that one but that one and that one and that too....

The Butterfly

I am without form, Without limit
Beyond space, Beyond time
I am in everything
Everything is mehyb Im the bliss of the universe
Am I

Ram Tirtha

But youre still only seeing hints. Youve got a way to go yet.

Gone/Gone/Gone Beyond/ Gone beyond beyond
Hail the goer.
Beyond even conceiving of a place beyond which you can go beyond. Whos adventurous enough to want to go on that journey? Do you realize when you go on that journy in order to get to the destination
can never get to the destination?
In the process
must die.

Pretty fierce journey. Pretty fierce requirement. We want volunteers.

But you see: Theres something that pulls a person toward this journey. Way away back deep inside is a memory. There is something inside each of us that comes from behind that veil behind the place of our own birth. Its as if you have tasted of something somewhere in your past thats been so high, So much light, so much energy, that nothing you can experience through any of your senses can be enough. Somewhere inside everybody knows that there is a place which is totally fulfilling. Not a desperate flick of fulfillment, It is a state of fulfillment. You may experience despair that youll ever know that. Good! Because through the despair and through that surrender comes surrender. You get closer to it. And what keeps you from that place that gives you that total feeling and experience and knowing of fulfillment is all of this posturing. All of your thoughts. All your way of organizing. Your world. All of your plans. All of your games. Your exploring.

Some of us do go on this journey. We didnt stand up and say we volunteer (it didnt work that way at all, its not like you had a choice of volunteering or not volunteering) that isnt the way it works. Its as if you're propelled into it like the moth into the flame, but yet nobodys pushing you. Nobodys standing around saying 'Get in, Take every third man! He Goes!' It doesnt work that way either. Its a littler more like the image of a caterpillar-enclosing itself in a cocoon in order to go through metamorphosis to emerge as a butterfly. The caterpillar doesnt say, 'Well now. Im going to climb into this cocoon and come out a butterfly.' Its just an inevitable process. Its inevitable. Its just happening. Its got to happen that way. Were talking about a metamorphosis. Were talking about going from a caterpillar to butterfly. We're talking about how to become a butterfly. I mean: the caterpillar isnt walking around saying, 'Man, I'll soo be a butterfly' because as long as he's busy being a caterpillar he can't be a butterfly. Its only when caterpillarness is done, that one starts to be a butterfly and that again is part of this paradox you cannot rip away. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process under which YOU have no control.

Well, what am I doing here if I have no control?
Thats a hard one!
You mean I dont have any choice?
Cant I say this is nonsense?
Cant I say this is important?
Your lecture changed my whole life!
You think thats choice?
No. Not at all. Its an unfolding process..
No accidents.
If you could stand back far enough to watch the whole process you would see you are a totally determind being. The very moment you will wake up is totally determind. How long you will sleep is totally determined. What you will hear of what I say is totally determined. There are no accidents in this business at all. Accidents are just from where you're looking. To the Ego, It looks like its miracles and accidents. No miracles. No Accidents. Its just your vantage point that you're sort of stuck in. This whole trip im talking about is fraught with paradox. The most exquisite paradox. As soon as you give it all up, You can have it all. How about that one? As long as you want power, You cant have it. The minute you dont want power, You'll have more than you ever dreamed possible. What a wierd thing. As long as you have an ego, you're on a limited trip. You're on a trivial trip thats going to last, maybe what, 60 say 70 maybe 80 years and full with fear of its end trying to make its own eternity. Well: If 'I' am not speaking, If 'I' am not what 'I' thought 'I' was, how did 'I' get into this? Who am 'I'? For only when 'I' know who 'I' am will 'I' know what is possible.

I typed this up, because I really enjoy his change in style of writing throughout a large portion of this book. I can add more in another post if requested.

Anyways, enjoy.
Always had a good time with that book...

I just read snippets...and contemplate them...

Look at a doodle and the commentary....and contemplate it...
A fun read. I liked the part where he talks about having ice cream. After you've had one, you want another. And another...
I suffer from quasi insomnia, and sometimes I can't but wonder if that has been determined for me...maybe I need to spend more time in the wakeful state.
maybe the awake state really is the dream. 4 am l hear is when the angels visit so a pen and paper would be handy to remember such a visitation.