I finally have to comment on this issue. FYI, just to let you know on my character, I invited myself to a house party once and was making friends while wondering why no girls would show up. One of the dude`s was nice enough to tell me that I was the odd one out after an hour, and I politely excused myself from the party, I don`t think anyone was offended.
Lets go with common sense for homosexuals and common sense for hetrosexuals. The keyword being common sense.
As we've discussed elsewhere, homophobia
Homophobia resulting in violence or insults is just a crime, period. So it should just be treated as a crime or dealt with similarly. But most(majority) people are naturally homophobic because they are hetrosexual, and most parents want their children to be hetrosexual, this is all very natural. If you`re from a homogeneous society, you don`t think about racism but may have racist traits because that is the norm. Everyone and every society, mostly, has a tendency to be self-centered, that is natural if it is not intentional.
And if its like that everywhere in the world, you can complain and try to change society, or you can shut up and just deal with it. If you want peace, I suggest that one shut up and deal with it. Say like in highschool, if you become famous for being a karate expert I heard that many people start challenging fights, you can imagine what Jesse James`s life would have been like. It`s best to be quiet in my opinion.
What is unnatural is if politicians go on day-time TV announcing that they are gay. Such statements, say if it was a similar statement for a hetro-sexual person on TV would be censored, or is required to be censored for obvious reasons. I mean lets face it politicians do not go on TV or public display announcing their sexual preferences(I like... and I like..) and that should be no different for a homosexual. So I think homosexuals should adhere to the same social standards, in college, highschools, or the public restrooms etc.. Or risk someone throwing tomatos at them.
So what we have here is the paradoxical combination of men who want save the world from homosexual boogymen who are themselves profoundly dysfunctional and predisposed
I`d say if one is going on a whim to show his affection towards homosexual boogymen, that just shows how much he loves them in a twisted way. Hate is Love. Sorry, you`ve got to be homosexual to be extremely homophobia in my view.
to create a pathological family environment that can adversely affect the emotional well being of the kids as well as the spouse.
Now this is of some concern. I think there is only one solution, to leave the violence behind.
I expect kids who turn out to be gay who grow up in such dysfunctional families often internalize the father's homophobia and develop internal conflicts that have a long term impact on the kids' functioning.
This is the reason why I am commenting on this subject that is awkard to me. As the phenomena mentioned above is a concern, but I won`t be fighting people over it.Domestic violence is one of the scariest things on earth.
There are people who are born with male body`s but know that they are female from as far back that they can remember. Lets leave those people alone, besides if their boyfriends happen to be criminal bosses or if they are good friends with bosses, you`d probably want to leave them alone.
But if you were born a guy (for guys testosterone until age 30)(for women testosterone kicks in around age 30), and you thought you were a women, one might be confused. I don`t know exactly what the guy hormone does after age 30 but I don`t think its as hyper as testosterone (you could call it more sissy from testosterone perspective).
Also if you place a 3 year old like around 5 older girls, he will be speaking words like a girl for a while until he snaps out of it. If you moved him to Texas for a couple months, he`d be speaking Texan for a while.
So if one is confused, or his hormones are unbalanced I suggest he gets help right away. But again its your choice, its not like someone has the right to force you to do anything unless it`s against the law.
Changing the subject a little(I`m a guy sorry..), I think it might be cool to go out with lesbian couples with intentions to start a family unit, or hire lesbian body guards but I`m not aware of any lesbians who would be thrilled to do that.
When we discuss these issues, I start to wonder if it has anything to do with religion. The only thing that I guess could be said is God put homosexuals on the face of earth, and that they are a tiny minority.
Ultimately it is a persons choice to be homosexual or not, unless you are born that way, but the sex education for kids, anything alike including knowledge of homosexualism shouldn`t start even before children know what sex is.
I`d rather not like to hear about sex in politics, can we move on please.
Also when I mentioned that churches should stay out of sex issues, I also meant the whole nine yards like abortion and anything else.
But this again is really about the freedom to make decisions for oneself unless you are under the age of 13, or whatever age you deem appropriate for one to make a decision for their own body. I don`t think God really comments on things like that unless it meant the end of world or something.