The Dangerous Dinner
This is one of the MAIN problems with Christian thought and confusion about marriage. .
As if all Christians think the same thing . . .
the "no marriage in heaven" idea. It is very strong. . .it is the basis for the wedding pledge "until death do us part". . ..from the perspective of Christian thought. . .marriage is for earthly reasons only. . .Jesus did not marry. . .Protestants don't consider it a sacrament. . .in heaven we will be "single" like the angels. This is why Christian values are on the wane. . .
The main problem I have with marriage is not it being an earthly thing, but a worldly thing. I think a lot of people get married because that's what society expects of them, just like I hear society often teaches boys that you become a man by losing your virginity. Your worth as a person is measured by having or not having a woman in your life, home ownership, having/not having a car, having a job, etc. It's about impressing and pleasing people. You feel worthless not having these things. Rubbish!
That's why I choose to be selfish and narcissistic. I'm rebelling against what society tells me to do. Society says get a girlfriend, get married, buy a car, buy a house, get a good sex life and get a job.
Sure, I'd want to make myself useful to society, to the world and its people, but getting married is not one of them.
It is not to say that one should never marry and start a family, but I just need to think about myself first rather than what society tells me to do.
You won't need a house if you share it with your relatives. You won't need a car if you take public transport or if people are willing to drive you around to your destination. Why do you need a girlfriend or get married? Why do you need sex? Some of this is capitalism. Some of it is hedonism.
Jesus wanted people to stop being slaves of capitalism, materialism and hedonism. A lot of people who get married are doing it as slaves of capitalism, materialism and hedonism. I don't think they're even doing it for themselves. They're not truly thinking about their own needs, not truly being selfish and narcissistic as I am. No, they are doing what society tells them to do.
Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." I believe he meant for us to stop being slaves of society, and to start thinking of ourselves more. That is what the "I" refers to: it refers to you and me. We are not to be slaves of society, but to completely embrace our humanity, to love ourselves and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
It is to be truly and completely selfish.
How can you love your future wife if you can't even love yourself first? I think a lot of people think they are selfish, but really, they aren't. They were slaves of society, of capitalism, materialism and hedonism long before they learnt to be truly selfish. They have sacrificed their humanity for slavery to economic, monetary, legal and political systems.
If you can't love yourself wholeheartedly, you haven't truly lived!The thief comes to steal and destroy; I come that they may have life and have it to the full. John 10:10