Many ufologists claim that they’ve been doing research in the field of ufology for decades. What exactly is in the testimony of the Disclosure Project? Eyewitnesses of what?
Greer is one of these. Check out the Disclosure Project for yourself. You've got two good eyes and ears, a computer and a brain. Much of the material is free and available for streaming or download. I won't tell you what you can learn on your own!
ResistETIntervention said:
If you consider it honestly, you’ll come to the inevitable conclusion that no human beings can be THE authority in the subject of UFO/ET phenomena, for humanity has not traveled far enough into the space to know anything about life in the universe. Human beings can research for decades, centuries, or even millennia, and still not have a clue about life in the universe. To be truly honest then, the only true education about life in the universe can come from extraterrestrial source or Divine Source. Wouldn’t you agree?
Socrates was wise precisely because he was humble and knew how much he would never know.
ResistETIntervention said:
The important question to ask is then which source do we trust? Some ETs will attempt to depict themselves as benevolent helpers, spiritual emissaries, friends here to advance humanity technologically or scientifically, or saviors here to fight other malevolent ETs or solve global issues. Then there are other ETs who claim that the ET Intervention with sinister intentions and goals is occurring in our world. Whom should humanity believe?
This is the problem, my friend. I don't beleve that *you* have yet developed the powers of discernment to make the correct observations ... or arrive at the right conclusions. This puts you in the same category as the millions of Christians who think Jesus is going to magically appear someday and make all their woes and human sufferings disappear in a puff of smoke. The only difference is, you believe the opposite, and you've shifted the fear onto ET.
You can demonize ET, which is what you have done ... and pretty soon it's all about RESIST RESIST RESIST.
Or you can angelicize them ... and then it's just a Messiah delusion, wherein ET is the new Messiah, rather than Jesus (or Krishna, or whomever).
Note carefully: This isn't what I've said, or suggested. We don't need to look beyond planet Earth for demons and angels. But until we sort our own stuff out, we won't be able to understand other civilizations (and planets), because we're too busy projecting fears & anxieties, expectations and aspirations ... from within our OWN PSYCHES.
ResistETIntervention said:
Yes, humanity has been visited throughout its history. Yet, the ET Intervention that has been occurring globally for the past few decades now is of unprecedented scale never seen before.
When the idiot nextdoor to you is obviously of the troubled sort, psychologically disturbed and going through some difficult crap, it's only natural that you become concerned. When there is constant violence coming from within that household, people yelling and screaming, throwing things inside the house and even out onto the lawn ... isn't it reasonable that you will take notice?
When the house itself, and the plot of land is not properly cared for, why on
EARTH (AHEM) wouldn't you begin to become concerned about your *OWN* WELL-BEING ... and unless you're a total selfish sonofabitch, wouldn't you also begin to worry about the other folks in the neighborhood, even the very people in this troubled family, who are going through the CRAP, and who are causing anxiety for yourself and the surrounding neighbors?
When you begin to hear gunshots, and when the threats rise to a fever pitch, to the point that these folks are literally
threatening to destroy each other, and even to take their
troubles outside the house ... in an ARMED & DANGEROUS fashion ... what kind of a JERK would YOU be if you
DIDN'T do something about it?
ResistETIntervention, you are still trying to hide in your OWN house - ironically blabbing away about how
worried you are for your
OWN family - yet doing little about it, that I can see, except voicing fear & paranoia, pure XENOphobia, and carrying on about how horrible your neighbors are because they are concerned about the MUCKUP which we can all notice taking place in
YOUR HOUSEHOLD, with YOUR FAMILY ... as you apparently continue to justify or turn the deaf ear and the blind eye to these obvious domestic problems.
My friend, when the police come knocking on your door, although I WILL be - and I AM - concerned for YOUR well-being, and for that of YOUR family ... I'll level with you. If they have to shoot every bleepin' one of you ... I will NOT WEEP, because the people around you DESERVE to live, and to do so without feeling constantly THREATENED.
My compassion may be great, but I
refuse to demonize the policemen and other authorities, even concerned neighbors, simply because they are worried about you and the violence that you seem determined to perpetuate and even carry forth out into the COMMUNITY at large.
You are BLIND, my friend ... or else so self-absorbed that you do not RECOGNIZE how dangerous you really are. Perhaps you even DO know that you are
in trouble ... and perhaps you see that it's not healthy, this crap that's going on in your family.
You see? That's a good thing, oh yes. But if you will not
DO anything about it, or if you do not know WHAT to do, then try to resist the pure FEAR of anyone who comes in an effort to assist you. Try to realize that, by and large, those who come to assist - whether they be
Social Services to try and intervene on the children's behalf, the POLICE in order to invene on the neighbors' behalf, or perhaps a support group & other forms of outreach simply to intervene on YOUR behalf - it is ALL BEING DONE, about
The fact that someone else is tired of not being able to
just SLEEP at night may indeed mean that he's willing to bust a cap in yo' ass, but guess what? I really don't blame him.
Now I
AM you, and you
ARE me, and We are All Together ...
... so get over yourself ... and get over your fears and xenophobias, and stop watching so many scary movies and screwed up YouTube videos.
Learn to accept things like Men in Black and the sequel, and the upcoming silliness of the 3rd installment ... and if you MUST face reality, keep watching Spielberg's ET until you realize just
WHY the "government" (yes, your OWN
shadow ops type folks) love fear-mongers such as yourself.
You are doing their own work FOR them. And quite well, I might add.
The rest of your post is nothing but testimony precisely to this effect. It is your fear, in print. It is disturbing, but not to me. It is a cry for help, but not to me. And it is sad, but I am not weeping.
ResistETIntervention said:
Abduction is ALWAYS (not almost always) unethical. It undermines the freedom and self-determination of the abductees who apparently cannot take actions as they will it during the abduction because they are physically, sensory-wise, psychologically, and mentally incapacitated.
Let me tell you
one last thing, since the misguided cannot be expected to find their way out of a darkened room alone, even if it WAS their own damn fault for wandering in
without a light, then shutting the door TO Light and ON Light
behind them.
Compassion will ALWAYS seek to open the door, yet when it cannot, it will whisper
through the keyhole ... whatever it can in order to help the person inside to LIGHT the candle on the table, in order to find his way back out.
When scientists and researchers in the oceans take dolphins and other creatures aboard their vessels, they tag them in order to track their movements, sometimes to take various samples ... yet those of us who understand the
TRUE motives of those scientists do not become xenophobes and fear-mongers, precisely because we DO understand.
When, similarly, these researchers are strongly motivated to PRESERVE or
assist the very species which we are seeking to monitor or study, via these
... no one in their right mind would rant on and on about how
horrible this is, and how much we are
violating the Free Will and rights of the beings being
Dear Friend, ResistETIntervention, you have let your imagination run wild. You have entered a darkened room, and you have done so without a sufficient lightsource.
All that I can do is to try and assist you, yet if you shut me out, I will be forced to remain
outside the room, just as ET must do - at this stage in our Cooperation ... and the best I will be able to offer is to exchange with you from
here at the keyhole. I can listen, yet right now I do not hear anything productive, and if *you* are not willing to calm down and recognize what is
really happening ... how can I possibly be of assistance?
You would not trust me if we were both
in that room together, or even if you were
outside of the room, here with me ... and with others who realize that
things are not as they (sometimes)
Since when was Hollywood the Gospel?
Since when was the voice of FEAR the proper guide?
Since WHEN was the Cosmos a place of
social Darwinism, except in the
paranoid delusional, xenophobicd, geocentric/anthropocentric, skewed and distored, ignorant little world ... of HUMANITY?
Dear Friend, we are not
the scum of the Universe, no matter what Science Fiction may have suggested to us in the past century or so.
Nor are we the c
rème de la crème, the Crown of Creation, no matter what Christian doctrine may suggest, since the latter has been interpreted in largest part
without the benefit of the proper Keys ... and symbolism.
In truth, yes, we are fairly HUMBLE in the Grander Scheme of things ... yet this does not mean that we are
unknown to God, or to the Lord of this System [Surya-Sol, Helios,
the Solar Logos, etc.]. Even the Sirian Logos is aware of what is taking place on this little planet, and a Sirian Avatar is said to be assisting us -
Such a statement will likely be meaningless to you, as it is almost the same to me ... yet I do recognize it for its implications, as this is the
COSMIC CHRIST, and therefore essentially an OPEN Doorway to all that is Right and Good and Holy, Beautiful and True.
Won't you
open that door within the tiny room of your
own heart & mind, and realize that what lies on the other side is not a
free ride, or even the magical answer to every question ... but is, instead and
in the very least, an open invitation to CONTINUE your search for Truth and meaning, with the
promise that in time, you
like the rest of us WILL FIND IT?
You feel that you have discovered something which is both frustrating and fearful ... and I cannot deny that your findings are either.
But I CAN say that having found these kinds of answers in my own search
MANY times before ... I have
NEVER given up the search, and I have
ALWAYS discovered, with patience & persistence, that there is ALWAYS a bigger picture, always a
more true or meaningful perspective into which *everything* manages to fit ... and from which all things have proper significance in the larger Scheme.
It is about BALANCE, which fact alone makes it a true irony that
*I* of all people should tell you this ... but from another perspective, it is entirely appropriate, and rather than acknowledge even a SINGLE additional concern of yours, I can but assure you: *IF* you will set these matters aside for the moment, and concern yourself with
what really matters, I think you will see,
everything will fit properly into place.
Go outside and go for a walk, go bowling if the weather is bad. Go fishing if you like, or do as I must do and go do some yardwork. Forget about these concerns, for they are weighing upon you, and needlessly so.
All things
in balance.
I'll leave you with a quote which beautifully illustrates the Hylozoistic nature of the Ageless Wisdom:
"All are but parts of one stupdendous whole
whose body Nature is and God the soul."
~ Alexander Pope