The Reason for Hell


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“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
Matthew 25:41

So did God create Hell for Satan and his angels?
Hi Ahanu —

One way of reasoning is the Abrahamic Tradition are founded on certain axioms, most notably the union between God and the world in ma, the participation of the soul in the life of God, and that this union is not a given, but a choice.

That being the case, the end if one chooses to seek this order of participation is a profound immersion of the soul into God, which one might call 'heaven' (provisional in that the term should be understood in context), but logically the opposite must also be the case, that is an end if one chooses not to participate, and this end must (or should) comprise the idea of 'absolute non-participation' ...

Metaphysical principle does not move the volative mind however, nearly so successfully as the image, and man has really got to town on the invention of images and concepts to put 'flesh' on the metaphysical bones ...

God bless

In Buddhist understanding, hell and heaven are constructs, whether in 'this' lifetime or another; when hell or heaven realms may beckon, dependent on effort. Perhaps Thomas we are saying something similar here, with differing words? :confused:

'To make hell into paradise, we need only change the mind on which it is based'

- Thich Nhat Hanh.
One way of reasoning is the Abrahamic Tradition are founded on certain axioms, most notably the union between God and the world in ma, the participation of the soul in the life of God, and that this union is not a given, but a choice.

So, for you, the reason for hell is not necessarily about Satan and his angels, but it is about the freedom to choose a union with God.
Perhaps Thomas we are saying something similar here, with differing words? :confused:

'To make hell into paradise, we need only change the mind on which it is based'

- Thich Nhat Hanh.

I don't think Thomas is saying heaven and hell are self-created constructs. Thomas writes: "That being the case, the end if one chooses to seek this order of participation is a profound immersion of the soul into God, which one might call 'heaven' . . ." This clearly shows he believes heaven and hell are realities outside of your brain, and God constructs this reality and allows the conditions for them to exist.
I don't think Thomas is saying heaven and hell are self-created constructs. Thomas writes: "That being the case, the end if one chooses to seek this order of participation is a profound immersion of the soul into God, which one might call 'heaven' . . ." This clearly shows he believes heaven and hell are realities outside of your brain, and God constructs this reality and allows the conditions for them to exist.

Perhaps you are right; I was responding I suppose to 'man has really got to town on the invention of images' in our attempt to answer the metaphysic of reality.
As Ahanu says, I am saying there is a reality to the concepts — they are real states: union with 'It' (however one defines 'it') is heaven; separation from 'It' is hell.

How these states are described rather depends on who's talking to whom ... certainly the Medieval mind ran riot with the idea of eternal suffering and punishment, and grew most inventive with its imagery.

God bless,

Again, I see this in a contextual way. There is a good argument to be made that Matthew is influenced by the Enochian concept of Satan and his minions admistrating Sheol. This idea is obviously extra-Scriptural... and it probably influenced the ideas expressed. Only later, as Thomas indicates, did the mideval mind create the mythology of a Hell.
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
Matthew 25:41

So did God create Hell for Satan and his angels?
For me Hell was something manufactured in the mind and not a real place or a place that you will go to if you don't live a righteous life.

All civilizations as far back as recorded history (Sumerian, Egyptian, Indus Valley etc.) have a Hell/Underworld, except for most non-Abrahamic religions the Underworld was a magickal place where the "Hero" defeated demons and monsters (the Shadow Self), attained magickal weapons and/or super powers (Enlightenment/Gnosis), returned to the mundane world and shared these magickal tools with Mankind.

The Feminine aspect (Goddess) on the other hand usually descended into the Underworld in order to rescue a Beloved One and return Him to the mundane world in much the same way. In both stories of the Hero-ine, we have the ideas of After-Life & Resurrection.

Not until later (especially with Dante's Inferno) did Hell become the tool of guilt, fear, and oppression used by the Ahrahamic faiths to keep its Sheeple in line. :rolleyes:
Not until later (especially with Dante's Inferno) did Hell become the tool of guilt, fear, and oppression used by the Ahrahamic faiths to keep its Sheeple in line. :rolleyes:
Hmm, was that a slip or pun to suggest Ahriman? :D

I really find this connection intriguing....
LOL! :cool: The Devil made me type that!
Interesting--continuing on with the concept of hell and zoroastrianism in the bible: Malachi 4:1-3

4 [a]“For indeed, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, when all the arrogant and everyone who commits wickedness will become stubble. The coming day will consume them,” says the Lord of Hosts, “not leaving them root or branches. 2 But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings,(A) and you will go out and playfully jump like calves from the stall.[b] 3 You will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,” says the Lord of Hosts.

LOL! The cross referenced scriptures listed for the "Sun of Righteousness"

Psalm 37:6

Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

6 making your righteousness shine like the dawn,
your justice like the noonday.(A)

Isaiah 58:8

Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

8 Then your light will appear like the dawn,
and your recovery will come quickly.(A)
Your righteousness will go before you,(B)
and the Lord’s glory will be your rear guard.(C)

Conclusion: I need a nap! :eek:
Nah isn't Thomas that would say hell is a construct of the mind.....but I will...

We put ourcellves in heaven or hell based on our perceptions and actions..
yeah maybe but you have hell in islam as well and probably some other religions as well.

Of course it does, Mohamed was following the lead of the Christians, the Jews however, those that wrote the books are still scratching their heads...

Momma is trying to raise her children right, while on their chores they have to haul stuff to the dump every now and again. What do they see when they goto the dump? They see the workers there burning and disposing of the trash so it doesn't build up, they see the indigent picking thru the trash trying to find any scrap they can sell or eat, they see the bodies of the dead that have no other place being tossed in the rubble, their clothes/sandals picked over and burned....

Momma says...if you ain't good, if you don't do your studies if you don't learn a skill, this is where you end up....this might be the only place you can work, or you might be starving and looking for food, and when you die without family or friends or burial money, your body will burn here forever...
Wil, what is your view of life after death?

Wil, what is your view of life after death?


It is something that I have found no evidence or proof of, or reason to believe in.

It is something that folks have contemplated for millenia without a conclusion.

Therefore....there is no reason for me to be troubled with it, there are plenty of things in this life (like the living) to be concerned with.


it is worthy for me to live this life as if it is preparation for the next my life and those around me will benefit.
For me, God created hell because of those who will not believe Him. And of course, Satan does things that is not good in the sight of God. In addition to that, this hells pertains to people who doesn't care about God.