Quahom1 said:
The surface of the moon is older because it does not have the erosion that the earth has, not because it is older than the earth in general. NASA experts opine that the Moon came from the earth during a massive asteroid impact in the south pole (which was facing sideways at one time 4.6 billion years ago. It never supported life, though it did have molten and geological activity twice (at 4.2 billion years and again at 3.6 billion years ago).
Only because this is erroneous, I would pull a quote or two off the web, and give some references ... it's worth correcting the error:
"The moon is far older than previously imagined, perhaps even much older than the earth and sun. By examining tracks burned into moon rocks by cosmic rays, scientists have dated them as billions of years old. Some have been dated back 4.5 billion years, far older than the earth and "nearly as old as the solar system," according to Jastrow. The oldest rocks ever found on Earth only date back 3.5 billion years. It is accepted by scientists today that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old. Harvard's respected astronomy journal, Sky and Telescope, reported that at the Lunar Conference of 1973, it was revealed that one moon rock was dated at 5.3 billion years old, which would make it almost a billion years older than our planet. This puzzle was compounded by the fact that the lunar dust in which the rocks were found proved to be a billion years older than the rocks themselves. Chemical analysis showed that the moon rocks were of a completely different composition from the soil around them. Since dusty soil is usually produced by the weathering and breakup of surrounding rocks, the lunar rocks must have come from someplace other than where they were found. But where?" (
link, and note that the source of the above is JASTROW, presumably a scientist, not the author of the book in question ... reference is ALSO made to the '73 Lunar Conference!!! look it up!)
But here's more - I would refer you to the following writeup (
http://www.rense.com/general69/moon.htm) which contains PLENTY of scholarly references, and not mere speculation, regarding the age and PRESENCE OF A MAGNETISPHERE on the the moon, as follows:
[SIZE=+1]"The above summary [see link] tells us that a solar wind appears be affected by a mini-magnetosphere! Yet other researchers claim this field cannot exist! Perhaps the true nature and characteristics of the solar wind are not fully understood." (source is apparently Lin, et al)
Now, interestingly, the author that pulls together the data for this article is essentially arguing for an
artificial origin for the moon, and is also interested in what "NASA isn't telling us about Mars!" The earlier reference and excerpt is from a book about aliens! And frankly, I'm not sure I'd agree with many of the conclusions made by
either author. However, the references they make are
sound. And the evidence
does point to the moon being
substantially older than the Earth - by as much as a billion years!!! Google it, you might find it interesting ...
But I don't care if you tell me that
the experts concur in deciding the moon really contains old PICKLE-JUICE ... or is made of swiss cheese after all!

I'm telling you that even if you and I have been long dead & gone for twelve billion years, ONE DAY it will simply be knowledge as common as dirt - that the moon
preceeded the Earth, and that once upon a time, evolution occurred there, as here. Things went very, very wrong, Divine Intervention occurred, evolution was
aborted, so to speak ... but not in the sense that progress was lost - just that no further development occurred.
Eventually, that planet slipped into pralaya, or "sleep" - during which time its substance was gradually siphoned off to help in the forming of THIS planet. What is left is a dead,
decaying orb, incapable of supporting life, yet whose next incarnation
does support life, continuing the Divine Plan which was offset
all those years ago. We even recapitulated the disaster during Atlantean times, but so far, we have not gotten nearly so far off track. Only time will tell if we can get past our present hurdles. But having death rays capable of obliterating entire planets - our own or otherwise - does not bode well for us. And just because no one has pushed the button in 60 years, doesn't mean some idiot won't precipitate WWIII tomorrow. I prefer to
act as if, and presume that things will progress as they should! And as I say elsewhere, it is
not God-willing, it is
We've just got to try and make sure the right hand knows what the left is doing, and work to make sure that the body is no longer divided against itself.
"If thine eye is single ... "
And yes, some children do like to play war, or throw sticks 'n stones ... but younger children still tend to smile and get along. I believe it was the
latter "little children" whom Christ meant in
Matthew 18:3. And please, nobody beat me over the head for quoting scripture on a secular forum!

I know, I know ...