In fact the desperate and uninformed barrage upon it by someone of a different faith, only works to strengthen it
Good for you!
I can only imagine why you are not so keen on the knowledge of the Father.
In fact the desperate and uninformed barrage upon it by someone of a different faith, only works to strengthen it
@muhammad_isaI can only imagine why you are not so keen on the knowledge of the Father.
You should take that back..
Of course you don't.I don't consider myself desperate or uninformed
Of course you don't.
Dear Lord, how have I allowed myself to get sucked back into this turgid whirlpool ...
Lies, half-truths, deliberate misunderstanding..
I don't believe I have the right to concern myself with such matters that belong to God.
I don't know what Origen said about souls nor do I care -- nor if your posts are gnostic. It's a free world.However, I think yourself, @Thomas and I can agree that Origen believed in pre-existence of souls.
I personally would really like to know more about Ibn Arabi, Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd ...
It's strange you know little about Islamic writers.Sorry .. I don't know anything about them
Yes. Doesn't make it true, just makes it what Origen believed ...However, I think yourself, @Thomas and I can agree that Origen believed in pre-existence of souls.
What about when He said: "And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28)We know from what Jesus is reported to have said about souls abiding in heaven / hell.
Belief in an immortal soul logically follows from that.
.."For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?"
(Matthew 16:26)..
"Then he saith to them: My soul is sorrowful even unto death:" (Matthew 26:38)
Do you believe in the eternal existence of the soul?
..It's strange you know little about Islamic writers.
It's just strange to me that as a Muslim you should devote the vast part of your energy into the hairsplitting study and analysis of Christian writers and history, and know so little about Islamic ones, imo.Not really..
I'm not an Arab or an Asian and don't fluently speak their languages.
I live in a predominately ethnic white community, and was destined to be born a "Christian soul"![]()
Yes, I believe in the immortal soul .. souls are of a "spiritual substance" [ not physical ] and belong to God [ the Father ]
What is "the creation of a soul"? What does create mean in this context?
Souls belongs to God, and we return to Him. God [ the Father ] is infinite, and there is no
limit to how many souls there can be.
Yes, it seems Islam adopted that practice – and facing east – from the Christians they rubbed shoulders with.Yes .. I love the bit which says that he "fell on his face, and prayed" [ prostrated ]
My question was whether you thought the soul eternally existing ... something immortal is not necessarily eternal.Yes, I believe in the immortal soul ..
Whereas all along I assumed you agreed with the Arian argument against pre-existence.Funny that, isn't it?
Arians believe in pre-existence [ as they followed the well established school of Origen ] .