Oh dear... Well, I would have to say yes God can respond because that person has a spirit and God loves them. Now they might not like the WAY God responds, but God always works toward the good for the ones He loves (all of us) and even a spirit buried in layers of filth is still loved. However, the response would be geared toward rescue and not a continuation of a filthy way of life..
Well, what can I say .. credit where credit is due

However, I don't think that it is so straightforward.
Yes, I quite agree that Almighty God loves the whole of His creation i.e. mankind
..but how can He "love" somebody that despises Him?
Take the extreme example..
..Almighty God knows that satan is destined for eternal fire [ and satan is well aware of it too ]
What sort of love can Almighty God have for satan? What sort of love is it, that loves that which can't be saved???
+ + + + +
Now, maybe [ just maybe ], some of us might see now, how satan in his cunning,
can trick us into false belief.
Many people, for example, read the OT and conclude that it is barbaric etc.
The knowledge of "the Father" is vast, and while Almighty God most
SURELY loves
the peacemakers above all others, that does not mean that He wants us to be defeated
by evil .. in this world OR the next.