PS I could accept that Buddha may have been an incarnation of Apollo for I am open to all eventualities and realities.
Sacredstar said:I raised this because on a Reiki with Quan Yin healing course two elderly ladies that had never seen a spirit before, both saw Apollo and described exactly the same picture. (I should add I had never seen Apollo either and knew not what he looked like)
That same I day I had purchased a copy of the Jesus Sutra's and blow we down when I got home the picture that they had described was exactly the same as Apollo in Jesus Sutra's and Palmer explains the importance of the Apollo and Buddha connection. Also interesting that Apollo is considered to be a GOD of healing and Buddha was also called the Medicine Buddha!
Kim xx
kpreisig said:Does anyone else think that the destruction of Greek Mythology by Religion is a tradgedy?
On that topic, I need information. Was there a specific time when Greeks began to learn about Science that prooved their beliefs wrong? When did this happen? Was it gradual? Did it first happen in a specifid place? How did this all happen?
If anyone knows of any books that have any information on the intrusion of Science in Greek Mythology, PLEASE let me know.
I am beginning to write a screen play about Greek Mythology, and if possibly I would LOVE it to depict the end of Mythological Beliefs in Greece, and how and why this happened.
Any snipit of information will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all!
Therapon said:Also the philosophical traditions especially Neoplatonism have survived.![]()
Eudaimonist said:I remember reading somewhere that Epicureanism survived as well. Do you have any knowledge about that?