What do you look like?

OK, lookit MW...Post a fresh one in your bed sheet, and you gotta PM me and tell me your real name. I'll never reveal unless you do.


I will try to get one taken Chris, I only wear hijab (so my face shows) unless I travel within the Middle East, then I wear the black bedsheet. Shall see what I can do.

No problem on the name, just no-one ever asked before. I am Sally, very pleased to meet you (my surname is a bit more complicated being arabic LOL).

Thank you Lunamoth, I am really so proud of that picture but of course it was in another life but is still my fondest memory.
Nice to see some pics again again - great to see them Tao, Laurie, and Sally. :)

Okay, I'd better post a more recent one of myself:


  • Picture 050.jpg
    Picture 050.jpg
    20.1 KB · Views: 296
Nice to see some pics again again - great to see them Tao, Laurie, and Sally. :)

Okay, I'd better post a more recent one of myself:

Hi Brian

Now there is a prayer position I have never seen before. :p:D
Well I really dont like posting my mug shot on the www but since I have this old pic of when I was posing for an ex-girlfriend artist I thought it maybe appropriate to this forum. You never know i might even get a few disciples as a result :p

Well here it is (I hope):

dude, you look like rock star! cool.:D nice to see you, tao.
Never judge a woman by her bedsheet...OK, I'll remember that!

It's funny isn't it? I mean, I'll bet you were an ABBA fan too. So, all these years later we're doing the grown up thing. I've got short hair, and you're a Muslim, but it was grand and stupid ,and wonderful growing up in that in-between generation we did, wasn't it? They don't have a name for us. Not baby boomers, or genX.


Thats so very true Chris, despite all the terrible events that continue to happen we have lived through a fabulous era and we should be grateful for every moment of it :)
Chris...OLD MY ASS ! Only certain parts of me are... and that changes day to day. Besides...our older friend Albert proved that EVERYTHING, especially time, is relative (sorry Thomas).
I once made the observation about twenty years ago that the hardest thing that the human race would ever have to do is to switch from analog reality to a digital one. So far so good...but we're really not there yet.

Laurie...What a cutie ! You sure you're not really Dana Carvey ?

Sally...Yes maam...I too highly admired the Queen Mum.
Speaking of Mum, mine is 90 and is traveling outside of the country for the first time...alone! She's got her passport and ticket on Virgin and will spend most of August about 20 miles west of London with friends.
I REALLY like women in uniforms

TE and Brian..,Why is it that all distinguished middle aged Englishmen look like the popular version of Jesus ? Just speculating you know.

Getting my scanner/printer/copier/faxer and camera hooked up next week...get ready.

English!! Not a drop of Anglo-Saxon in me!! I'm Scots with a Swedish patriarchal lineage. And the pic I was a muse/model for a painting of Jesus, so quite deliberate.



You really have had such a rich, full life!! My admiration only grows :)

Speaking of Mum, mine is 90 and is traveling outside of the country for the first time...alone! She's got her passport and ticket on Virgin and will spend most of August about 20 miles west of London with friends.

That is just brilliant, I hope she has an amazing time. See, it's true, you can't keep a good woman down. Mucho admiration for Flow's Mum.

You really have had such a rich, full life!! My admiration only grows :)


Hi Tao

Thank you. I have been amazingly lucky, although confidence has helped at times. I have seen things in my life that most would never see and I am really grateful for the life I have had so far. My father calculated that by the age of 16 I had flown enough miles to go round the globe 3.4 times - bloody hell, just thinking about it, I am exhausted and need a lie down. :D

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

Hi Tao

Thank you. I have been amazingly lucky, although confidence has helped at times. I have seen things in my life that most would never see and I am really grateful for the life I have had so far. My father calculated that by the age of 16 I had flown enough miles to go round the globe 3.4 times - bloody hell, just thinking about it, I am exhausted and need a lie down. :D

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?


Torn between 3 places, New Zealand (south island), Patagonia or Alaska. All three hold equal appeal for similar reasons. They all have large tracts of spectacular unspoilt wilderness.

Torn between 3 places, New Zealand (south island), Patagonia or Alaska. All three hold equal appeal for similar reasons. They all have large tracts of spectacular unspoilt wilderness.


Oh fab, if you ever go to Alaska and need someone to carry your luggage just shout. I am fascinated by snow and yes I do make snow angels. One day I shall have to grow up but I hope it's not too soon.

Where is the most fascinating place you have ever been, you know one of those WOW moments when you look out at the scenery?
Oh fab, if you ever go to Alaska and need someone to carry your luggage just shout. I am fascinated by snow and yes I do make snow angels. One day I shall have to grow up but I hope it's not too soon.

Where is the most fascinating place you have ever been, you know one of those WOW moments when you look out at the scenery?

That is such a hard call to make but as I think through most of the ones that come to mind involve mountains, I had been working in Denmark when I went on a holiday to Greece, My friend and I hired motorbikes in Athens and headed south into the Peloponese Peninsula which is very mountainous. I was so struck by its beauty I stayed 5 years. Obvious ones such as the sight of K2 in Nepal and Scotlands dear own Glencoe also figure highly, but of all the sights I have seen probably the most spectacular are the massive sea cliffs of Shetland being battered by a huge atlantic swell with the Northern Lights dancing in the skies above. That truly blew my mind. For a more sedate beauty sunrise and sunset over the desert in both Egypt and Morroco were very often spectacular. As is the sound of birdsong and the sight of a carpet of bluebells in Brittish woodland. There are so many!!!!

How about you?


I was so struck by its beauty I stayed 5 years.

Now that's what I call travelling ;)

bluebells in Brittish woodland.

and snowdrops. I just have this thing about simplicity in every aspect of life and bluebells and snowdrops are such simple yet beautiful flowers.

How about you?

You are right there are so many, perhaps it was a silly question.

If I had to choose the absolute took my breath away moment, it would be standing in a flat field of snow, nothing but smooth white snow for miles and miles, watching the northern lights. WOW. It was like the heavens were coming to greet me. Dead calm, dead quiet and of course dead bloody cold but I felt like a small child watching their first firework display but BIGGER. :D

Its a strange effect the Northern lights have on you isnt it. Makes me think why oh why have I closeted myself back here in Edinburgh for so long. :(

Virtually all the pictures I took when travelling I took on 64 slide film. I really have to get then all converted to digital for some of them are real beauties. One of my pet subjects was fungi and I have an amazing collection from all over. I have so many slides tho I know it will cost me a small fortune to get them all done. Perhaps my best shot is of 3 Golden eagles, 2 adults and a juvenile, flying literally 20 feet away from me, the detail is stunning.
