As another thought,
if I objectify `god,' and make of Him a man (or of Her a woman), then my greatest conception of
Him/Her will always be limited by this projection. In terms of Humanity's self-expression - during the current evolutionary period of dual genders - this means I can,
at best, Face my Father ... or Mother.
And so I am left to
deify one, or the other, or both, of these (conceptions, archetypal images, presences - and all associations pertaining to them, to get Jungian about it). Now since most of us still have
grossly sexual misconceptions about what a true
hermaphrodite is ... or an ANDROGYNE ... then aren't we fairly well stuck in the miasma of duality, for
even our greatest conception, or understanding, of Deity?
On the one hand, we have
Mother, with all that goes forth
toward her - from our human perspective. She can be caring, nurturing, sensitive and forgiving ... or she can be firm, supportive, resolute and unyielding. Most of us may find her somewhere in between, leaning a bit more to the fomer.
Yet the only other alternative, as we struggle with the
integration of certain
currently objective dualities, is to think of
Father. And here, while the very word, concept and imagery
does often evoke a gentle, warmly receptive and
forgiving type of figure & feeling, the more prevalent associations are a bit closer to the
second set of associations I gave above, for
If we are really just speaking of two different
tendencies which manifest, universally, in ALL humans, from time to time, life to life, and even situation to situation ... then
which of these, in the last analysis,
is GOD?

The associations must give way. They must yield, and admit of a Presence, a Being, and a
very real Force -
Loving, Intelligent, and Empowered (perhaps Empowering?
perhaps, even, Intelligence-conferring, hmmm) - Whom and Which is
beyond gender altogether.
How well does this rest, with the more
conventional views of Deity, as we generally hold ... from custom? And yes,
what would a genderless being be like?
Or should I say, a Deity which is
equally "masculine" and "feminine" as we have come to understand these qualities?
Immediately, it is apparent that we should avoid the temptation to
concretize our image, and understanding, of God ...
too greatly. Or at least, we must make effort in this direction.
And if we find that
images and appearance begin to fade away,
then with what shall we replace - our conception and understanding of Deity?
The Freemasons speak of
TGAOUTU, The Grand Architect of the Universe. And I have always imagined a hand, when I saw this phrase ... a hand with a compass, or
God geometrizing the Universe. The hand? Ahh,
What else would it be? Right?
Perhaps, atop that Tower, it isn't the man in the robe, after all. Not a woman, not an animal, not a tree, not ET. What is it? Who is it?
And if I am able to hang onto the
conception of a Geometrizing God, or perhaps a
Musical One, or even a
Sporting, Playful Fella ... then
minus the imagery,
what have I got left?
Shall I appeal to symbol, in order to
represent (my) God? Shall I look to color, to sound, to feeling, to thought, to
Love, to
Will, to
Wisdom or
No matter how abstract (we get), how can I escape, or forget ...
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]There was a young man who said, "Though
It seems that I know that I know,
What I would like to see
is the "I" that knows "me"
When I know that I know that I know."[/FONT]
Is there anything, or anyone beyond? Or does all come down to ... end up with ...
me? Hmmm. Just seems like ..
there might be more!
Oedipus-Electra, hmmm ...
Curiosity serves two purposes. It invites us -
to reach out,
to ask, to explore. And, it helps us to arrive -
at a destination. Lather, rinse,
repeat. Ad infinitum (SIC!).
We cannot conceive an
end to this cycle. Perhaps the end, is really a
new beginning. Et resurrectus est!
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]-Edith Wharton[/FONT]