Like I said...
ok.. so it is based on your traditions belief that you hold this view

good to know.
whilst i have no particular argument with regards to this view, my concern is, generally, how these things are actually implemented in a mindstream. human minds are sort of particular and even when we say that "such and such is unimagineable or unthinkable" our minds still try to imagine and think of what it cannot.
as such, the term "God" has come to have some particular attributes associated with it. effectively, rendering the term nearly meaningless to me. it is clear enough that many theistic beings not only have an "idea" about God, but some of them even claim to "know" God and, moreover, feel that God needs their help to accomplish some task. whilst i am not a theist, this has always struck me as odd.. heck, even in the Gods in Buddhism require little human interaction to implement their desires.. yet, if one can believe some of the Semetic tradition adherents, that is most certainly the case.
saying that God is the Ground of Being, like Protestant theological Paul Tillich, is not much different than saying that God is Brahma.
of course, from the Buddhist view, there is nothing which can rightly be regarded as the root sequence from which all things arose. as such, even with an undefined "Ground of Being" Buddhism could still not assent to such a proposition.
by whom or what is one judged?
more to the point, what of the passage in John where he speaks of the White Throne Judgement?
of course, i heartily agree with this... and it's collorary... we also bring about our own reward.
fair enough.
yet, you also say that God cannot be in the presence of sin. either this is a rhetorical device meant for something else, or it is a statement of a particular condition.
moreover... review the words that you are choosing to write here... "he wants..." "he doesn't want...." those are all human wants and desires... well concieved in the human mind.
interesting indeed.
hopefully, some of them may join the forum and find this thread, read it, post in it and i'll remember it! Whew!