ok then, i still do not understand that. sorry.
it just seems to me that it is what the flag stands for & the constitution that God has allowed us, that gives us the freedom to be a Jehova Witness.
I understand not supporting war, yet not to support the troops that are thrown into it & who are fighting for our rights to be a Jehovas Witness, just seems narrow to me.
1)Would not we want the soldiers who fought for us to become a JW after they come home from war?
2)Who does the JW go to, to get permits to drive an auto, build a church, add on an addition to the home etc?
3)Also, what would be the case if the draft goes into effect & I am sure that we must still register. Or does a JW have an opt out on that?
I am seeing loop holes in some of this & just a bit curious is all.

So these questions are presented to get an answer from the JW perspective.
Maybe Mee can explain better why those things would not be supported.
that is all I have from here on this.
thank you