New Member
OK, first off, I am completely new - both to this site, Wicca itself (I was initiated two years ago but I'm still pretty much a newbie!) and to researching it's roots, so I apologise if I get anything wrong!!
Basically, I've recently been thinking about Wicca and which parts of it I don't quite agree with - mainly the way it's going. It makes me really sad to see so many people of such a supposedly open-minded religion insulting Christians and having a go at the 'fluffies' - c'mon, I bet you were one once yourself
I also don't like how everything is a ritual. I see the necessity of consecrating things, casting the circle, but I don't think every single thing has to be consecrated. Elements don't need to be called in my opinion - they are all already there, as are the God and Goddess. I don't think they need to be called to every spell I do - they are watching it anyway. I simply ask for their blessing on it, or call them if it is a very special spell. I know I don't need to formally, stiffly call them in someone else's words from a book to have them with me. My point? I don't like too much ritual. I think it is too stiff, too impersonal and detracts attention away from the focus and purpose of your actual spell. Does anyone else even remotely agree with me?
I've heard that Gerald Gardner actually pretty much made up the rituals found in early Wicca as the rituals of the ancient, dying-out religion he based Wicca on were (depending on which account you read) either non-existent or insubstantial. To me, this suggests that, as an eclectic Wiccan, I am perfectly within my rights to research what little ritual WAS around then (if any) and leave out the vast majority of the things Gardner and Valiente made up. But could I still be called a Wiccan, even an eclectic one, if I was taking out some of the most important rituals? I've explained my reasoning for thinking that they aren't all important, and I'd just like to state that, if I did go on to practise this, I wouldn't mutilate the religion in anyway or completely get rid of ritual. I'd just bring my worship and ritual back to basics and certainly not read out of a book or follow a set pattern - religion should come from the heart and soul
I'm sorry to have rambled so much. I just basically want to know if anyone agrees with me, or at least understands why I feel how I do? Any advice?
Blessed Be!
Rach xxx
Basically, I've recently been thinking about Wicca and which parts of it I don't quite agree with - mainly the way it's going. It makes me really sad to see so many people of such a supposedly open-minded religion insulting Christians and having a go at the 'fluffies' - c'mon, I bet you were one once yourself
I've heard that Gerald Gardner actually pretty much made up the rituals found in early Wicca as the rituals of the ancient, dying-out religion he based Wicca on were (depending on which account you read) either non-existent or insubstantial. To me, this suggests that, as an eclectic Wiccan, I am perfectly within my rights to research what little ritual WAS around then (if any) and leave out the vast majority of the things Gardner and Valiente made up. But could I still be called a Wiccan, even an eclectic one, if I was taking out some of the most important rituals? I've explained my reasoning for thinking that they aren't all important, and I'd just like to state that, if I did go on to practise this, I wouldn't mutilate the religion in anyway or completely get rid of ritual. I'd just bring my worship and ritual back to basics and certainly not read out of a book or follow a set pattern - religion should come from the heart and soul
I'm sorry to have rambled so much. I just basically want to know if anyone agrees with me, or at least understands why I feel how I do? Any advice?
Blessed Be!
Rach xxx