Dondi, Didymus, MagnetMan, Quahom,
et al,
To cross, or reply to, two threads of conversations at once, on this thread ... here's a couple of things about matter, astronomy, love and God.
I have an interest in Gnostic writings, and in much that has been said on the Gnostics during the first few centuries of the Christian Era. Yes, I realize that the Manichean/Mithraist duality (Spirit = good, matter = evil) is usually associated with Gnosticism ... but I certainly do not believe that "matter is evil." Not all Gnostics maintain this view, especially those with a more generalized belief that
we can Know, which is what
Gnosis is all about.
I agree with MagnetMan that God is manifest in
every atom of Cosmos (
see below). The
scale, however, is such that the
degree of Divine Presence,
imo, within an atom is not the same as the Presence found within a plant, or animal ... and within a Human, this Presence is ever greater. But even within Humanity, the Divine Presence is yet far, far less manifest than within God,
per se. And so I'm a
Spiritual Evolutionist. I think that Spirit (the Presence of the Divine) grows by degrees, beginning its journey in the physical world ... within a single atom, yet evolving through
all Kingdoms, and eventually finding its way back to its Source. The Prodigal, returns.
It is my opinion that even as early as 1878, there was a
much more accurate illustration available for what an "
ultimate physical atom" looks like. The author,
Edwin Babbitt, provided this drawing in his book,
Principles of Light and Color, published that year. However, he was presenting a
detailed description of
an atom in the true, Greek meaning of that word, which is
a-tomos, or
in-divisible. Therefore, it is not the atom of science, but rather, an
electron, to the best of my ability to guess, for this is the smallest unit of
physical matter which science can observe. We now know that even electrons can be further sub-divided, but that brings us
literally into another world, or realm of existence (the
astral), wherein
quarks & sub-quarks comprise the "densest" or
slowest-moving particles. In time, we shall further divide and sub-divide
even these,
non-rudimentary particles.

At any rate, here is an upload of Babbitt's atom, and if one carefully studies it, one will see several things. First of all, it is almost
exactly like the atom observed clairvoyantly by other authors, independently, in the early 19th century. Those authors found that
Anu (meaning
First, which they named this atom (electron), since it was the First, or ultimate unit of physical matter) ... comes in two "flavors."
Male anu, can be observed as bringing
in energy from the subtler (4th-dimension,
emotional) world, and
Babbitt's atom shows this in detail (note
negative vs.
positive end - or charge - of the
torrent of force-energy).
Female anu, is essentially a miniature
black hole, since it
removes energy or force ... and draws it
out of the physical world. Also, note that there are
three major spirals, or whorls of energy/force, in the atom. These appear as structures, as does the atom itself, but what is also emphasized is that the
entire structure is actually but of the nature of
concretized force, or energy. And science confirms this,
matter & energy are interchangeable.
So it would be a mistake to think of the atom,
or its combinations, as
permanent, for we know that they can be re-converted into energy, and that this happens all the time. Still, the three primary
whorls, or spirals, exist, and then there are seven
subsidiary spirals.
Three, and then
seven, which is very telling. If you study this long enough, and notice how the whorls flow around to form a
heart-shaped structure (hmmmm) ... you will notice that the whorls, are actually just
rings, or circles, that are
woven into this shape. Ten of them.
Strings, indeed.

Also, each string, or spiral, has sub-whorls, or
spirillae, which are woven, or
spiralled, around the original whorls. And then, sub-sub-spirillae, as far down as 6 sub-spirals, for a total of - again,
Seven, though it is too difficult to depict all seven of these. Another upload, whose souce I have long since forgot, depicts this basic structure in greater detail, although I think it is technically inaccurate, since it doesn't show spirals, but rather, simple rings. Still, it is quite helpful, showing
five levels of detail, or the main spirals plus
four spirillae.
The other point I wanted to make, take us to the other end of the scale. Astronmers have now all but confirmed - as it is pretty much now just generally accepted - that
all major galaxies, including ours, have a
black hole at the center. Actually, it's a
supermassive black hole, which is the big brother of the much smaller-scale, ordinary black hole. And this is incredibly fascinating, and now just about the hottest topic in astronomical research. Ours is called Saggitarius A,
btw, since that is the Constellation (or direction in the Heavens) in which it is found. But the
entire Milky Way Galaxy orbits this black hole, and I have recently read an account of the
Hindu cycle of Yugas which correlates to the enormous time period (260 million years, I think) that it takes for one
orbit of Saggitarius A. These cycles, called respectively the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages (Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali Yuga), correspond to how much
spiritual energy, or Divine Light is reaching our tiny Solar System and planet during each part of the cycle. And this has a direct correlation to what scientists are finding, since the higher frequencies of energy at the physical level (such as X-ray and Gamma ray), given off by Saggitarius A (or
any black hole) is indeed,
If you think about the way a black hole works,
drawing into it everything at the physical level, then we could think of it as
very much like a gigantic
magnet. And although this serves in a
destructive role relative to the physical plane, it is my opinion that what we're seeing is the
operation (or outward manifestation) of a Being (yes, a living, Loving,
Super-Intelligent, and
Tremendously Powerful, Spiritual
Being). I believe the same thing about a Star, and its associated
Planetary Systems, which have their mirror in the Human individual (the Sun as the outward Heart, the seat of the Soul, and the
Seven Sacred Planets corresponding to the
7 chakras, with a few
lesser planets, like ours, as some of the other signficant energy center/chakras). I'm not sure if you've considered this,
MagnetMan, but it's essentially a Hylozoism, and fits the Hermetic Axiom,
As above, so below.
In terms of the Galaxy, there again, we see a
Cosmic Entity,
imho, on so vast a scale that even the sum-total of astronomical knowledge currently available, reveals as yet,
nothing ... relatively speaking, about the ultimate nature of such a being. Even when adding all the wealth of Wisdom contributed from ancient Wisdom Traditions, such as the knowledge and observations provided from Mayan, Egyptian, African (esp. Dogon), and other
Native cultures, including the architectural alignments of their Temples and Observatories (often one & the same, and often as pyramids), we have but a
glimpse of what such a
Being might be like. One thing, however, I do venture to posit (in concurrence with ideas now being explored by wise thinkers) ... and that is, that the outward activity(ies) of such structures as -
a black hole & its galaxy, a star & its solar system, a human & its physical body, and science's atom plus Babbitt's atom/electron ... in each case, I think we're looking at the relationship of the
Heart of an Entity, relative to its
outward vehicle of manifestation. And if I may be so bold,
this does tell us something about God ... and about ourselves. It may not be considered, as yet,
certain knowledge, since it requires that insight be gained through relationships, and parallels. But I believe it
does show, at least, that
always there is a vast, complex entity, or organism, consisting of a
heart/centre and an orbiting,
subsidiary physical expression. This would indeed suggest, that Humanity, and
everything, is created ... in the
image of the (Ultimate) Divine.
The following quotes are from a wise sage, who writes here
both as poet, and as scientist, regarding the relationship between God, and us:
"The Cosmic Magnet can be seen as the power drawing humanity, indeed, all Primary Matter along the path of spiritual evolution.
The Cosmic Magnet is the Cosmic Heart, or the Consciousness of the Crown of the Cosmic Intelligence—the Hierarchy of Light. Precisely, the Cosmic Magnet is the bond with the higher worlds in the order of Be-ness. The bond of our heart with the Heart of Consciousness of the Highest Hierarch of our planet leads us into the majestic current of the Cosmic Magnet.
The circle drawn by the Cosmic Magnet establishes life upon the principle of General Good.
Only the realization of the Cosmic Magnet will reveal the path to Infinity.
The orbit of the Cosmic Magnet comprises the entire Cosmic evolution."
These writings are from 75 years ago,
long before anything was known by science about
Saggitarius A, or really black holes in general. Astronomy in the West was as yet, still just learning the basics. I think the ancient cultures, however, had
already forgotten things ... that we
have yet to discover!