cavalier said:
Hey Tai
Given my upbringing it might be a bit difficult to get my head round such ideas but you've got me curious. Are there any threads on those boards which give a good overview of these belief systems?
Hmmm ... alas, I don't know of anything that's been done here yet that would comprehensively outline such ideas, without approaching them from the perspective of the
Ageless Wisdom. Not that there's anything wrong with this, but when the focus is explicitly
Esoteric Christianity, I'd like to see something that was a bit easier to approach. You might be able to glean something by checking the Esoteric, Mystical, and Liberal Xianity threads, but of course, it's up to you to piece it together.
I hesitate to call myself a true,
mystical or esoteric Christian. However, I do feel that this is what I probably am at heart, more than say, an esoteric Buddhist, or Hindu/Vaishnava/Saivite. But my having arrived at this position and belief did require, or greatly benefit from, several years studing Theosophical and esoteric Teachings ... in the
Ageless Wisdom tradition. Thus I am a believer in Mystery Schools, even as recent as those in
Ephesus, with which St. Paul was thoroughly acquainted & familiar, as evidenced in his many writings. I also maintain that Christ Jesus (
pre his
`Christed' status, or
designation) made travels all throughout the region, certainly to Egypt, Greece & surrounding areas, but also through the Far East even into what is present-day India, Kashmir and Tibet.
The early years of Jesus' life will be found, upon research & open-minded investigation, to have been spent among the Essenes, and currently I believe that this was a membership which included Mary & Joseph, who had some considerable awareness of their son as an
"old soul," or as one extremely Spiritually advanced. Mary herself, as the Catholic Church has always recognized (yet as I think the Intuition & even common sense should tell us), was an exceptionally pure woman, very spiritually advanced herself, and has
also progressed, in the two millennia since that incarnation, to the point of Masterhood (complete self-Mastery and the attainment of
all that is destined for a person upon this planet). She has, however, entered the
Deva (or Angelic) evolution, and acts -
as an individual, making a Sacrifice - as the World Mother ... just as
Astarte, and other select individuals (Devas) have in Earth's distant past. This, to me, is
fascinating, as it shows one of the ways in which the
two great Kingdoms upon this planet (and there are others, of which we know nothing) ... are cooperating, during the
Esoteric, or Mystical Christians, often - though not always - believe in or look to an astrological explanation for the appearance of Christ,
when and where He last appeared. On other threads, I have seen this reference, and tried to outline it myself, but I'm not too versed in esoteric astrology, and I often muck it up. In short, the passage from
Pisces to Aquarius, which has given rise to the common epithet
`New Age,' is something scientific, verified and confirmed by modern science (astronomy), and is
nothing new in our planet's history, insomuch as we have entered Aquarius
millions of times in our evolution thus far (or at least, hundreds of thousands, if one does the math). The cycle of revolution of
our solar system around the Pleiades (the star
Alcyone, to be precise), takes about 25,900 years, meaning that each
`age' or era lasts ~2160 years astrologically, give or take. Even the zodiac can vary, moving from fewer to more signs over vast periods. We will have
13 houses, as our path through the Heavens gradually changes, but currently still have twelve. This is beyond me, but I think it has to do with the fact that
all objects revolve around
greater objects, such that our entire Galaxy itself even orbits the
supermassive black hole at its center (
Saggitarius A, or something like that).
Yes, that's reaching a bit, but to ground such ideas more firmly in the everyday, Bible history of all Christians ... we know that
God's guidance for us throughout the ages has
always included reference to this Universal and objective knowledge (
not belief, not simply `ideas'). How so? In that Christ, who came as the end of the cycle of
Aries, was the
promised LAMB, or Ram. He had been looked for, in this manner, since near the end of the
previous cycle, of TAURUS, the Bull. And yet the
golden CALF was still worshipped, we find out, which shows the rejection - at this period on the heavenly calendar - of God's Representative. Christianity, as an entire religion, even
defines itself, according to the acceptance of Christ's coming and
planetary significance (above & beyond purely cultural interpretations) at the end of the cycle of Aries, and beginning of that of
Pisces (the fishes). Few Christians are unaware of the significance of the
Ichthys, and I highly recommend
this Wiki article, for more info on this Universal symbol. [The Aquarian Christ is the Water-Bearer, as He Himself indicated in Luke 22:10.]
Perhaps most importantly, and central to an esoteric or Mystical Christianity, is the idea that
Christ Jesus fits into the context of God's ongoing - and still-developing - history of communication with and guidance of
Humanity, and takes on
additional meaning, significance or importance thereby. Certain errors of interpretation, and distortions of important relationships between God and Humanity, are restored ... regarding the
`Chosen People' as a group, a
very small subset, of the Human Family as a whole. This group has
always arisen, throughout history, in different parts of the world ... always under the leadership of
a Noah, or a direct expression of the 1st Aspect of God (vs.
Christ, as
Teacher, Who acts under, Represents and embodies for us the 2nd Aspect).
Even Humanity itself, which is a
Divine Center in God's Being, representing the
3rd Aspect, has had its avatars and highly evolved representatives (both positively, or
progressively focused, as well as negatively oriented, thus
challenging & opposing God's Plan ... though also helping us to move forward, in certain ways, as we have struggled to
overcome their influence). Esoteric Christianity then, though focused on the
2nd Aspect of God's Leadership, also recognizes the Ray or influence of the
Leader Itself, the
1st Aspect ... from the Father's House. A careful study of the importance, role and even the person of
Vaivasvata Manu (and the Manu in general) within Hinduism, will show, I think, that this idea has the SAME meaning, and is in fact the
same individual, as Noah. Every mythology and world religion has taught this idea, such as Deucalion among the Greeks,
who built an ARK 
... and
Xisuthrus of Chaldea, upon whom the NOAH legend was based! [Would that the average Christian would research this, and learn more about the history of His religion and sacred teachings, ROOTED as they are in
all the world's collective mythologies and sacred texts!]
In each of these narratives, and always under the guidance of a Noah-type figure, Humanity was
preserved from utter destruction (materially) during the
global catastrophe of the flood, brought about by our own karma, our own variance from God's Laws during a former civilization (Atlantis). New Age teachings may become a bit caught up in the technologies and details of Atlantis, but the point remains ... that the
Ageless Wisdom was then taught to us OPENLY, and we were
directly guided by God's Representatives (often called the
Masters, or Elder Brothers, today). We abused our knowledge, misapplied the lessons of the Christs of the day, and a
schism began between God (represented through the Teachers, or Elder Brothers) and Humanity. This tale, told with variations or
limitations, depending on which culture has adapted it, always comes to the same conclusion. In one way or another, God was forced to
withdraw, and Humanity was required to suffer the
consequences of its errors, according to the LAW (which Christ, the Buddha, and all other Teachers have emphasized, namely
Karma, Cause & Effect, Sowing & Reaping).
Esoteric Christianity is not in the least frightened by the
taboos placed upon the easily-impressionable masses (
sic, and a
double entendre at that!) throughout the ages. Esoteric Christians have existed
since even during the time of Christ Jesus, as
BEFORE this man's birth & appearance there were
already those who were persected for what they believed. And while the average Jew lived in a state of oppression, fearing the Roman Empire
politically, it is safe to say that the Essenes (and other Brotherhoods which taught and guarded the Wisdom) were oppressed by Rome
doubly so, or triply. Rome feared ANY group that could threaten its power & authority by inspiring or organizing the occupied people's against her. And while the group of Essenes were small, they
knew and taught things ... which certainly frightened various of the Roman authorites far more than an occasional zealot who could bandy the militants about him. Armed conflict is dangerous, but it is
infinitely more dangerous to have a group of
intelligent and informed individuals whose organizing purpose is not in accord with Rome's ambitions to world dominance.
So the Christian who is caught up in the history of persecution, and who still easily identifies with the
martyr complex,
gladly dying for Jesus ... or happy to be an example for
the Cause ... will need to remember that
before Christiantiy, and all throughout these past 20 centuries of dark times, there have been groups, and individuals, persecuted for their Christian beliefs. Often they have literally & physically guarded
God's Teachings, even including material, or objective representations of God's PROMISE, or Covenant with Humanity - that we shall
always be answered, if we seek guidance. The Knights Templar come to mind, but also certain Tibetan orders of monks.
It is easy to stand and criticize, and call attention to problems - both personal, and collective - and we can talk all day long about what is WRONG with ourselves, with each other, with current political or even religious leadership ... and rail against injustice. It is much harder, to point out what is GOOD, what is positive, in all of the above,
even in the most bleak of situations, and circumstances. Elie Wiesel, Victor Frankl, and quite a large number of esotericists throughout history whom I could name off the top of my head (Galileo comes to mind, as does Hypatia, and Joan of Arc), have been able to do this for us. Some have identified themselves, either openly or in writing, as Christian. Some have not.
Exclusivity, while
creating a certain identity, and even a privileged status, temporarily, is not a solution in the long run. When division is created
unnecessarily, and certain status is
preserved at all costs ... entire nations can perish. When it is nations that insist on playing this game, the stakes are even higher - and it is the well-being of our entire
world that is threatened. An Esoteric Christian does not have difficulty
acknowledging and affirming the presence of the
`Christ within,' glowing within his brother's heart in the Middle East. S/he knows that it is within the Muslim, both moderate and militant, and she knows that it is present in the heart of the soldier that raises a gun,
either in self-defense, or in offense. The torture victim, and the torturer, both carry this potential - not as some
abstract possibility, but as St. Paul's
"hope of Glory," and as God's PROMISE to us. And an esoteric Christian is someone who is striving, in all s/he says and does, to herself embody the teachings of Christ
without need for recognition, fear of reprisal, or the
least self-interest in being
perceived a certain way. It can be, in some settings, extremely unpopular - and even in today's world,
life-threatening. More often, in my experience, it simply brings a great deal of criticism, even admonishment, if one is open or vocal about it. And this is quite ironic, when it is one's fellow Christians who level the cannons,
and run to the canons.
But then, it is still often more popular to
appear a certain way, than to
be a certain thing. The motto of my state (North Carolina), perhaps says it all.
Esse quam videri ...
"to BE, rather than to seem." 
And still, hypocrisy rules.
By the way, cav, as far as upbringing ... my
Lutheran upbringing taught me almost
none of this! Without it, however, I might very well
understand none of it, and I would probably have no interest in Christianity whatsoever. It is always interesting, though a bit of a puzzlement to me, to meet an atheist!
Love and Light,