I have been casually reading over this post for the last week or so... It has been interesting reading to say the least... lol...
But as I read the title and the openning post again today... something very simple struck me... and I laughed at myself for not realizing it earlier...
What is this post really about?? Which of the hundreds of variations of Christianity are we or you or they trying to change... We all are guilty sometimes of thinking that we have thought of something new and innovative... when actually it has been thought many times before...
If Dor is speaking of his flavor of christianity... then perhaps he should ask someone who disagrees with his point of view why they think what they think... However from my perspective perhaps I should ask Dor why he/she is trying to change christianity...
I at one time thought that I KNEW what REAL chrsitianity was... and I thought that everyone that disagreed was just wrong... they misunderstood... they were not practicing the REAL thing... and therefore were trying to change it...
But today... I really do not know... I do know that I choose to follow LOVE... I do not claim to have the ansers... But I have questions... =)
Peace to you all... no matter how much you are trying to change MY christianity...

JK hehe
Peace & Love